Library Trustees Minutes Nov 24 2020.docx(3)City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: November 24,2020,4:00 P.M. Place: Remote Meeting on Google Meet Board members present: Margaret Altman, Mary Behrle, Colleen Michaels, Ivy Mahan, Kevin O'Reilly, Joanne Panunzio, Myron Schirer -Suter Board members absent: Marshall Handly, Cathryn Keefe O'Hare Others present: Allison Babin, Meghan Karasin, Bruce Doig Recorder: Meghan Karasin Kevin O'Reilly presided. Meghan Karasin stated that the meeting was being recorded. Kevin O'Reilly noted a typo in the minutes of the October 27, 2020 meeting and suggested removing the word "everything" from the first item in the Director's Report. Joanne Panunzio made the motion, seconded by Margaret Altman, to accept, as amended, the minutes of the meeting of October 27, 2020. Roll call vote approved, 7 to 0. Motion passed. Public Presentation None. Committee Reports Personnel: No report. Administration: No report. Finance: No report. Long Range Planning: No report. Report of the Library Director 1. Fiscal Year 2021 Budget: Allison Babin stated that there are no major updates. Kevin O'Reilly asked about the line "Assistant Department Head." Allison Babin responded that, for the city, the Assistant Library Director is considered an Assistant Department Head. 2. Phased reopening: Appointments are no longer necessary for picking up holds and patrons are happy with this change. Myron Schirer -Suter asked if there is a longer wait time at front door service. Allison Babin responded that the wait time is about a minute longer, thanks to moving the holds down to the first floor. The Bookmobile went back on the road in late September with all activity taking place outside of the vehicle. This service is not working as is - patrons crowd the Bookmobile and are not always wearing masks.The Bookmobile librarian will begin to deliver materials from her car, as was done from June through September. A high level of service will be maintained. One additional appointment window has been opened on Wednesday afternoons. Patrons may now visit the library every other day. The Director and Assistant Director have been working on plans for if operations need to scale back to some extent, as in March. But it is not anticipated that these changes will be put into effect soon. 3. Building Issues: Work is now quickly progressing on the renovation of the Story Time Room. The solid green door has been replaced with a wooden, windowed door. The Senior Building Custodian is painting the room. Carpet and room decals have been ordered. The room is expected to be finished in late January. The city had planned to migrate the security cameras to a city server. Previously, footage was only accessible on a computer in the library. It is now accessible to police, the Director, the Assistant Director, and the Head of Circulation. The 2012 video surveillance policy might warrant a review. Mary Behrle asked if there are signs posted and if patrons should know the extent of it. Allison Babin responded that there are signs and that staff and trustees should know. This will be an item on the December agenda. 4. Friends of the Beverly Public Library: On Saturday November 21, the Friends of the Beverly Public Library held a book donation drop off day. The Barnet Gallery is filled with books after collecting books for just 5 hours. The Friends have been sorting and getting ready for the December 5t pop up sale (weather permitting). Allison Babin is working with them to follow state guidance, including masks, social distancing, time limits, and limits on the size of the gathering. 5. Petition for Waiver of the Fiscal Year 2021 Municipal Appropriation Requirement: The waiver petition has been submitted to the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. Allison Babin worked with Bryant Ayles, City Finance Director, on the financial information and wrote a letter with Kevin O'Reilly. We should qualify for the waiver. Because the state has not yet passed the Fiscal Year 2021 budget, we won't know the amount of state aid until February 2021 at the earliest. That aid goes to the city to pay down the debt on Farms branch renovation. 6. Community Engagement: The Director put a proposal before the city's Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security team and has been approved to purchase 20 iPads to circulate (10 adult, 5 teen, 5 children). They will be curated with apps and loaded with ebooks. This initiative will probably launch to the public in January or February 2021. The Director has been working with the Planning Department to support the Resilient Together Climate Project and generate survey responses. The library has promoted the Six -Word Memoirs Project to capture the community's pandemic experiences. Submissions have come, so far, from both the general public and Beverly Middle School students. Allison Babin had the opportunity to attend a Community Change workshop focusing on systemic racism and its implications for the community. The Assistant Director and 6 Department Heads will have the opportunity to attend the next sessions. 7. Personnel: The Staff Librarian position has been filled by Katie Carlson. There have been 20 applicants for the Head of Young Adult Services position. We have interviewed 5. More concrete information will be shared at the December meeting. 8. Programs: Book discussions are continuing. A meditation workshop will be held to ring in 2021. Take and Make opportunities are offered to children, teens, and adults. The popular book crafts and wreath decorating programs have been converted to Take and Make projects. Communications None. Unfinished Business None. New Business 1. Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2022. Submitting the Fiscal Year Action Plan to the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners is required in order to keep the library eligible for Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grants. The library is not required to complete every action in the plan. Allison Babin highlighted new additions to the Action Plan: • Explore ways of continuing to offer curbside delivery after the public health emergency subsides • Expand the collection of PLAY! Kits • Continue to expand the Library of Things collection • Offer additional seasonal reading programs • Continuing adding robust content to "For Readers" webpage • Continue producing, and enhancing, online programs • Plan for the safe reintroduction of in- person programs • Develop a thematic community -wide reading program • Redesign the staff blog to be a better resource for staff • Continue to offer virtual instruction on accessing library resources • Increase visibility of reference resources and programs using new displays in the reference area • Explore improvements to the Bookmobile such as an added handrail to improve accessibility • Explore the installation of a Storywalk • Continue to explore and implement new methods to make social media more accessible • Research ways to reduce the library's, and the community's, carbon footprint • Maintain a robust cleaning and disinfection schedule • Schedule outdoor opportunities like outdoor browsing and "take and make" craft pick ups • Update the Children's Arts and Crafts Room • Continue developing high quality virtual programs that can substitute or supplement in- person programming • Obtain quotes for an outside contractor to revamp website • Encourage Friends of the Beverly Public Library to purchase another water /sewer bill insert to generate new memberships and revenue • Foster strong relationships with private donors to encourage donations • Expand access to technology through circulating devices such as Hotspots, Chromebooks, and iPads • Continue sending at least one staff member to Inclusive Libraries Discussion Group • Perform diversity audits of collection, services, and /or procedures Kevin O'Reilly asked for clarification on who falls under "Administration" in the Action Plan. Allison Babin responded that Administration is the Director and Assistant Director. Myron Schirer -Suter suggested cooperating with other area libraries for the Community Read. Colleen Michaels suggested collaborating with local schools and book clubs. Myron Schirer -Suter made the motion, seconded by Colleen Michaels, to accept the Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2022. Roll call vote approved, 7 to 0. Motion passed. The next regular meeting of the board will be held virtually on Tuesday December 22, 2020 at 4 PM. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:54 PM.