1985-09-23 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 09/23/1985 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Kathleen M. Henriehort, Richard L. Buckley, Katherine L. Fanning, Frances J. McCarthy, Keyin J. Murphy, Neff B. Olson, Susan M. Salt, Nathan T. Shindler, and Nancy A. White Board members absent: Others present: Vada Komich, Marjorie Dragonas, League of Women Voters; Howard Calish, Friends of the Beverly Public Library Recorder: Sheila Glowaeki Regular Meeting Board of Trustees -- Beverly Public Library September 23, 1985 7:30 p.m Present: Richard BuckIcy, Kay Fanning, Kathleen Henrichon, Fran McCarthy, Kevin Murphy, Nell Olson, Susan Salt, Toby Shindiet, Nancy White. Also present: Vada Komich and Marge Dragonas, League of Women Voters; Howard Calish, Friends of the Library. Esther Calish, Shelia Glowaeki. Kathleen Henrichon presided. Disposition of the minutes of the previous meeting: Nancy White moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted. Motion passed. Committee reports:. Personnel: No report. Administration: Keyin Murphy spoke with the consultant concerning the roof. There are two things yet to be done. The stonework is to be boated and the Momllo Brothers have yet to respond to the laundry list of items to finish the job. Mr. Murphy stated that them is a penalty clause in the contract and that he strongly felt that the commission should invoke it if the work is not finished soon. Also reported was that the work on the front stairs and the chimney has been finished. Finance: No report. Long Range Planning: Nancy White passed out minutes from the Citizen's Advisory meeting held on July 29. The L.R.P. Committee was extremely pleased with the turnout of 33 interested citizens and their willingness to help, especially in the areas of fund raising and political lobbying. A newsletter will be sent out in the next couple of weeks with a copy of the Request for Proposal for the architect. The Request for Proposal was then discussed. Mr. Buckley moved that the matter be referred back to the Long Range Planning Committee for a revision and a special meeting be held. Motion passed. Parking Lot Repair: Richard BuckIcy and Toby Shindler met with the Commissioner ofl~blic Works. As a result, three plans were presented to the Board. Plan A would provide 66 spaces for $21,910. Plan B would provide 71 spaces for $38,000. and Plan C would provide 57 spaces for $37,000 and would include additional landscaping. Susan Salt moved to accept the report of this special committee and take whatever steps necessary to recommend the implementation of Plan A, eliminating those parking spots that are necessary to expedite policies in line with public safety. The motion was seconded. ARer discussion the motion was not voted on. Mr. Bucldey moved to table the motion. Motion passed. ALA Conference Report: Susan Salt reported on her attendance at the ALA Annual Conference. She was impressed with the size and organization of the conference and inspired by the dedication of those in attendance. After speaking with other trustees she felt that the Beverly Public Library is indeed lucky to have the support of the City Officials that it does. Among workshops attended, "Foundations" was concerned with grass-roots fund raising and Susan felt that this information will be useful when we start our building program. At the seminar on "Library's and Coalition Building" Susan was pleasantly surprised at how far we as a small public library have come in building coalitions in our community in providing services not only for our recreational readers but also our corporate and professional friends in the city. She stressed the importance of strengthening these coalitions and reexamining the library's current policies for using the library building and its services. Toby Shindler moved that the Board thank Susan for attending the conference and being a fine representative and giving such a fine report. Motion passed. Report of the Librarian: 1) The Eastern Region Annual Meeting will be November 6. Nancy White moved to name Esther Calish voting delegate for the meeting. Motion passed. 2) Mrs. Calish met with the traffic officers regarding the current parking situation. They are now ticketing cars parked in the staff parking area that do not have signs. They are also ticketing any cars parked along the fence. There is no parking allowed in the lot between 9 PM and 8 AM. A chain will be put up across the driveway and new signs will be posted and lines will be painted in the lot. 3) Status of repair projects: Chimney and steps are done. Work on the Bookmobile has been going very slowly. AI Ricci has contacted the company to encourage them to get the work finished. 4) Status of computer enhancement: Computers, lines and multiplexor have been installed and all are working beautifully. 5) This December marks the 130th Anniversary Celebration of the charter of the library and the following September will be the 130th Anniversary of the opening of the Library. Nancy White moved that we have a 130th Anniversary Celebration in conjunction with the Friends of the Library to celebrate the chartering and the opening of the library to run from December 1985 through September 1986. Motion passed. 6) There is grant money available to libraries for %et's Talk About It" a reading and discussion program. The grant money would pay for scholars to lead discussions on various books. Kevin Murphy moved to give the Director permission to apply for the grant. Motion passed. Communications: Letters were discussed as printed in the agenda concerning using the existing building for expansion and the parking meters. Communication was also discussed from Wadell Reed, Merrill Lynch and Baybank who would like to conduct financial seminars at the library. Mrs. Calish stressed that these programs were well attended when we had them in the past and that our patrons would benefit greatly from this service. Toby Shindler moved to delete paragraph 3 of the meeting room guidelines and state that the rooms are available for the good of the community at the discretion of the Director. Motion passed with Richard Buckicy abstaining. Unfinished Business: The parking meters were discussed. Kevin Murphy moved to have the Director send in the request for the parking meters as per the ordinance. Motion passed. New Business: Susan Salt reported on the various activities of the Friends of the Library and the Friends of the Farms. Some of the projects include a typewriter for public use, video tape recorder and sotbvare, and a microcomputer for adult patron use. Kay Fanning reported that as soon as Mrs. Conrad returned from Maine there will be a grand opening for the ramp. A special meeting of the Board will be held Monday, September 30, at 7:30 PM for the purpose of discussing the Request for Proposal for the Architect. Public presentation to, discussion with the Board: On behalf of the League of Women Voters, Vada Komich complimented the Board on the meeting and their dedication as Trustees. Howard Calish suggested that the Request for Proposal be changed as follows so that a special meeting of the Board would not be necessary. Change the first sentence on page 2 to read: "An architectural engineering survey and feasibility study are needed to determine what existing Beverly facility or land, including but not limited to, the present library building and the Hardie School across the street, would yield the required space and be best suited for our purposes." Richard Buckley moved that the specifications include the paragraph that Mr. Calish suggested if this does not conflict with the Ordinance passed by the Board of Aldermen. Motion passed. Nancy White moved that if the Request for Proposal does not conflict with the Ordinance and a special meeting is not required, then the Director be permitted to submit the ad as corrected to match the proposal, at the earliest possible date. Motion passed. The next meeting will be Monday, October 21, at 7:30 PM. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM. Sheila Glowacki - Recorder