1985-05-10 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 05/10/1985 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Kathleen M. Hen~ehon, Katherine L. Fanning, Kevin I. Murphy, Neil B. Olson, Nathan T. Shindler, and Nancy A. White Board members absent: Richard L. Buckley, Frances J. McCarthy, and Susan M. Salt Others present: Recorder: Sheila Glowacki Special Meeting Board of Trustees -- Beverly Public Library May 10, 1985 4:00 p.m. Present: Kay Fanning, Kathleen Henrichon, Kevin Murphy, Neil Olson, Toby Shindler, and Nancy White. Absent: Richard Buckley, Frances McCarthy and Susan Salt. Also present: Esther Calish and Sheila Glowacki. Kathleen Henrichon presided. A letter of resignation from Susan Hellwig, Media Services Librarian was read. Nancy White moved to request permission from the Mayor and Board of Alderman to fill the position of Media Services Librarian. Motion passed. Nancy White reported that alter discussing the matter, the Personnel Committee has decided not to recommend to the Mayor and Board of Aidemen at this time, an ordinance to limit a Library Trustee's term to 2 years. Esther Calish read a communication dated May 6 from the Mayor to the Board of Alderman requesting that the Aldermen consider the passage of an ordinance permitting the installation of parking meters in the library parking lot. Nancy White distributed copies of the Long Range Committee' s report from their April 30th meeting. She then reported on the building programs of various libraries in the NOBLE area including their sources of funding. Nancy White moved to have the Long Range Planning Committee and Mrs. Calish meet with the Mayor and present to him the ideas concerning a new or remodeled facility for the Beverly Public Library. Motion passed. The committee will see if they can meet with the Mayor on the morning of May 20 to seek recommendations and the establishment of a citizen's advisory committee. The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Sheila Glowadd, Recorder