1985-04-30 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 04/30/1985
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Katherine L. Fanning, Frances J, McCarthy, Kevin J. Murphy, Susan
M. Salt, and Nancy A. White
Board members absent: Kathleen M. Henrichon, Richard L. Buckley, Neil B. Olson, and Nathan
T. Shindler
Others present:
Recorder: Sheila Glowaeki
Special Meeting
Board of Trustees -- Beverly Public Library
April 30, 1985 7:00 p.m.
Present: Kay Fanning, Frances McCarthy, Keyin Murphy, Susan Salt, Nancy White. Absent: Richard
Buckley, Kathleen Henrichon, Neil Olson, Toby Shindler.
Also Present: Esther Calish; Edmond Mander, Beverly Times.
Susan Salt presided.
Mrs. Calish presented proposed changes to NOBLE By-Laws. (Copy attached in Minute Book) The
changes were:
-In Article HI, Section 1, the last sentence
-Article III, Section 5, - in parenthesis alter the words "ownership of computer system." Strike
out "(1/3 ownership as of April, 1983)."
-Insert in Article V, Section 5 - 1 st paragraph just prior to last sentence "Expenditures, etc."
(See attached)
-Insert additional Item in Article IV, Section 5 (See attached copy)
Nancy White moved that the changes to the By-Laws be accepted as presented. Motion passed.
Mrs. Calish conveyed a message from Richard BuckIcy that he and Mr. Shindler had met with the
Mayor and Alan Taubert, Monday at 8:00 am regarding the parking.
Kay Fanning moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Esther Calish, Recorder