1982-10-18 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 10/18/1982
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Richard L. Buckley, Lester C. Ayers, Mary K. Connots, Connie E.
Dooling, Katherine L. Fanning, Neil B. Olson, and Nancy A. White
Board members absent: Dr. Edna M. McGlymt, and Roger E. Morency
Others present: Vada Komich, League of Women Voters; Susan M. Salt, President, Friends of the
Beverly Public Library; Suzanne Niehelson and Thomas Hindman, Library staff
Recorder: Nancy Aberman
Regular Meeting
Board of Trustees-Beverly Public Library
October 18, 1982
Present: Richard BuckIcy, Neil Olson, Les Ayers, Mary Connors, Nancy White, Kay Fanning, Connie
Also present: Esther Calish, Nancy Aberman; Vada Komich, League of Women Voters; Susan Salt,
President of the Friends of the Beverly Library; Suzanne Nichelson and Tom Hindman, staff members.
Documents distributed: Year-end financial statement 1981/82; Financial statements for July, August
and September 1982; allocation of 1982/83 book monies; Year-end statistics for 1980/81 and
1981/82; Statistics for July, August and September 1982.
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted without change. The motion was made by Les
Ayers and seconded by Nancy White.
Public presentation to, discussion with the Board: Susan Salt, President of the Friends of the Beverly
Library, reported on the Friends' Fall organizational meeting and the activities of the Friends. A
fund-raiser is planned for November 13 at the Cove Community Center. The Phillips Auction House
has donated their time to do antiques appraisals. The Friends of the Children's Room are planning
their second annual used toy fair for December. A massive membership campaign is planned for
January and February, as well as another Business breakfast.
Committee Reports: Administration- Mrs. Fanning noted that a letter had been received regarding
the Beverly Farms roof repair estimate of $2340. The administration committee will meet before the
next trustee meeting to discuss the new fees guidelines. Regarding the situation with the main library
roof, Mr. BuckIcy explained that Larry Smith, from the roof commission, stated that the time frame
for completion of the project is 6-7 weeks from the time the architect began. He stated that this
carries the project into the second or third week of November. He further stated that work on the
balustrade may be postponed until spring.
Personnel Committee- Mrs. Dooling read the minutes from the Personnel report at the Trustee
meeting of September 9. She will report on the Personnel meeting of September 23 in Executive
Session due to the matter of contract negotiations being discussed.
Finance Committee- Them has been no meeting of the Finance Committee this past month.
Report of the Libman: Mrs. Calish reported that a computer grant had been received by several area
libraries for the purpose of joining our consortium. This grant will mean a larger database will be
installed in Peabody with subject heading capability. Eventual options for use include its use as a card
catalog. She also stated that a meeting will take place soon to form a governing body for the
consortium to insure the future existence of the Consortium. A trustee will be asked to represent this
library on the governing body.
Mrs. Calish went over the financial statements for the last fiscal year. Items she noted were a) fuel
exceeded the budgeted figure; and b) the carry over of Trust Funds. Mr. Buckley said that this raised
the question of Trust Funds being used for regular expenses, such as books. He stated that the
Trustees should give some direction to the Director for the use of the balance of the Trust Funds. Mr.
Ayers expressed his feeling that the purpose of trust funds is to supplement the funds of the city, to
enrich the library in areas in which the city is not able. Mrs. Calish stated that the bulk of the Trust
Funds spent thus far this fiscal year were cany over funds from last year's trust income; she explained
that due to the uncertainty of incoming funds for books and materials last fiscal year, many book
orders were sent in at the end ofthe spring and the billings were paid overthe summer with last year's
trust income. She distributed the Allocation of Book Monies 1982/83. Mr. BuckIcy stated that the
trustees should take care not to have trust funds become part of the revenue that the City provides
to the library for its operating expenses. Mr. Ayers noted that the Trustees agreed to meet the
cutbacks of the first year of Proposition 21-2 by spending trust funds on materials; however, this
situation should not be carded into the second year of the emergency. The Chairman asked that this
matter be discussed further under New Business.
Mrs. Calish also explained the unexpended of the Fisher Charitable Fund grant. She reviewed the
proposal for the Children's Room program and explained the difficulty in obtaining referrals for
starting the program thus far.
The statistics for 1981/82 were reviewed and compared with 1980/81. The drop in circulation of
20,000 was discussed as well as possible reasons: cut in hours; fewer days open; fewer new books.
The increase in Reference questions was noted, along with the fact that the library has plac~d a
priority on maintaining its Reference Collection. Ms. White suggested using circulation statistics to
support next year's budget request.
The Chair then asked unanimous consent to advance to New Business to consider the matter of the
Trust funds. Mrs. Dooling suggested that the Trustees specifically designate Trust Funds, otherwise
the City will view the funds as part of the library's book budget. Mr. Ayers stated that the Trustees
should make a statement of their understanding for which the Trust Funds were left to make clear to
the Mayor and Aldermen that the donors' wishes should be respected and the monies kept entirely
separate from the ordinary business expenses of running the library. Ms. Connors made the motion
that the matter of the disposition of the Trust Funds should be referred to the Finance Committee,
and a report should be made at the next meeting. The Director is instructed to make no new
commitments until this matter is discussed at the next meeting. Mr. Ayers seconded. The motion
passed. Copies of Frances Moran's trust fund report will be reproduced for all trustees.
The Report .of the Librarian continued: The thermostats have been calibrated and valves replaced to
make heating more efficient. The bill is $637.84.
The Business Breakfast on September 22 had an excellent turnout. As part of a program to stimulate
awareness of library services, the Friends will sponsor another such program in January.
The inauguration of the computerized circulation system has been delayed to January 1983 due to
time needed in December to enlarge the computer database in Peabody, as well as the inputling needs
within the librap/.
The Children Librarian's program sponsored by the Friends of the Children's Room on "Choosing
Books for Children" was very weH-attended. On October 23, a program, with Princess Clear Sky and
her family, will be presented at the First Baptist Church due to space limitations at the library.
Refreshments will be served at the library after the program.
Class visits are proceeding with regularity. Mrs. Calish spoke to the Superintendent regarding the
policy of classes paying for buses for field trips. Thus far, schools within walking distance have taken
advantage of the library orientation program.
Barbara Hyde began as bookmobile librarian on October 6. Tom Hindman is now functioning
full-time as Reference/Young Adult librarian. He has met with the high school librarian and the social
studies coordinator.
The Friends of the Library are subsidizing the cost of attendance at two library seminars for two
members of the Reference Staff.
Mrs. Calish reported that she had attended a workshop on the "Due Process Law," Chapter 322, in
Arlington last month. This matter can wait to be discussed after the budget process is completed.
The Friends of the Beverly Farms Branch are doing a survey of patrons to assess the hours and
services of the library.
Mrs. Calish hopes to complete the annual report by November 15. The Administration Committee
should meet to set fees so the Board may vote on them at the November 15 meeting. The Finance
Committee should plan to meet with Mrs. Calish by December 1 to determine the direction of the
budget for next fiscal year.
Communications: Mrs. Calish noted that two letters had been received complimenting the Business
Breakfast program. A letter was also received from the Beverly Soccer League thanking the library
for its cooperation. The Chair will write a letter to the First Baptist Church thanldng them for their
cooperation with our October 23 program. Mrs. Caiish said that the Friends of the Library will make
a donation to the Church.
Unfinished Business: The Administration Committee will meet to discuss the new fees and fines
New Business (continued): Mrs. Fanning moved to request the Chairman to write a letter to the
Mayor requesting a supplemental appropriation not to exceed $2400 for needed repairs to the roof
at the Beverly Farms Branch Library. Mr. Ayers seconded. The motion passed.
A general consensus was also reached that, due to the Thanksgiving holiday, the Beverly Farms
branch would be open that week Tuesday 9-2 to replace the Thursday hours.
The next Board of Trustees meeting will be November 15, 1982.
The Chair then declared a recess and the intention of the Board to enter into Executive Session for
the purpose of discussing the collective bargaining agreement.
ARer the Executive Session was completed, a motion was made by Mrs. Fanning and seconded by
Mrs. Dooling to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Nancy S. Aberman