1982-06-21 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 06/21/1982 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Richard L. Buckley, Lester C. Ayers, Mary K. Connots, Connie E. Dooling, Katherine L. Fanning Roger E. Morency, Neil B. Olson, and Nancy A. White Board members absent: Dr. Edna M. MeGlynn Others present: Susan M. Salt, President, Friends of the Beverly Public Library; Vada Komich, League of Women Voters; Thomas Hindman, Library staff Recorder: Nancy Aberman Regular Meeting Board of Trustees-Beverly Public Library June 21, 1982 Present: Richard BuckIcy, Connie Dooling, Mary Cormors, Kay Fannine, Nancy White, Nell Olson, Roger Morency and Lester Ayers. Also present: Susan Salt (Friends of the Beverly Library); Vada Komich (League of Women Voters); Tom Hindman (staff member); Esther Calish and Nancy Aberman. A correction was made to the minutes of the previous meeting noting Mr. Margolis' first name is Joel. Mr. Buckley noted that under the minutes of the Personnel Committee, the final sentence should read: "The Mayor forwarded the communication to the Aldermen." Ms. Cormors suggested that the report did not reflect the entire Personnel Committee meeting and made a motion to amend the minutes which the Chair declared out of order. Discussion followed on the procedure to follow to amend a committee report, and it was stated that such a motion should most properly come under New Business. Mr. Ayers moved to accept the minutes; Mrs. Fanning seconded. The minutes were approved with Ms. White dissenting. Public presentation to. and discussion with the Board: Vada Komich spoke for the League of Women Voters to notify the Board that in the coming year the League plans to profile in the newspaper the members of the various boards and commissions in Beverly. Committee Reports: Administration Committee: Mrs. Fanning reported that no meeting has yet been planned with the roof commission. She also stated that Mrs. Calish had called upon a contractor to make an estimate to fix the leak at the Farms Branch before it worsens. One estimate of $550. had been received thus far. If the repair cost is less than $1,000, it can be taken from the general maintenance budget. Mrs. Calish also noted that she has asked Mr. Callahan for an estimate to calibrate the thermostats this summer. Mr. Morency stated that he will try to get the commission on the roof to meet with the Board. Mr. Buckley still has not been able to acquire statistics on numbers of handicapped people in Beverly. The Assistant Director will attempt to assist with this search by contacting various agencies. The report was accepted by unanimous consent. Personnel Committee: Mrs. Dooling presented the following report of the meeting of June 15, 1982. Present were Connie Dooling, Chairman; Lester Ayers, Mary Connors, Richard Buckley. Also present were Kay Fanning, Dr. Edna MeGlynn, Neil Olson, Esther Calish, Tom Hindman and Vada Komich, League of Women Voters' representative. Mrs. Dooling opened the meeting with the reading of two letters which had been sent to Chairman Richard Buckley. Both letters, written by people living at Beverly Commons, expressed sadness and loss over the possibility of losing Tom Hindman and the services of the bookmobile. The letters, dated June 5th, contained 85 signatures. Tom Hindman, Bookmobile Librarian, present at the meeting, was asked to comment on the letters. He stated that he believed the letters were a reaction to a recent newspaper article. The article to which he referred reported that board members Connie Dooling and Richard Buckley had instructed Mrs. Calish to take those steps necessary to transfer Mr. Hindman into the vacant position of Young Adult/Reference Room Librarian. Discussion followed concerning the current salary for the operator of the bookmobile. Mrs. Dooling stated that, in her opinion, the salary was disproportionately high when compared to salaries of other city employees. Also discussed were options for keeping the bookmobile in service after Tom Hindman's anticipated transfer. The following motion was made by Mr. BuckIcy: Upon the receiving of permission from the Board of Aldermen to fill the vacant position of Y.A.R.R. Librarian, Tom Hindman will be transferred to that position. That transfer is to take effect within 30 days. Mr. Hindman will stay at his grade level. The motion was seconded by Lester Ayers. The motion passed. A motion dealing with the anticipated bookmobile vacancy was made by Mr. BuckIcy. The motion is as follows: As soon as the bookmobile vacancy occurs, Mrs. Calish is instructed to advertise for a temporary position of Bookmobile operator. The position is not to exceed 20.hours per week. Employment is to take place within 30 days. Salary to be arranged. Class 2 license is required. The motion was seconded by Lester Ayers. The motion passed. Mr. Morency made a motion to accept the report; Mrs. Fanning seconded. The motion carded. Finance Committee: Mr. Morency reported that he spoke to the Mayor and Mr. Gannon on the possibility of transferring state aid money to the library's book budget so that books may be ordered. He also stated that he had asked the City Treasurer to provide the Board with a report ofthe library's trust fund situation. Mr. Buckley noted that Mr. Morency did a fine job of presenting the budget to the Finance and Property Committee of the Board of Aldermen, who did not make any changes. Mr. Ayers made a motion to accept the report; Mrs. Dooling seconded. The report was accepted. Report of the Librarian: Mrs. Calish explained the functioning of the Delivery Service which appears on the monthly statistics. She also discussed the library's participation in Beverly's Homecoming Week. On August 2 the Historic House Tour will depart from the library where a slide show will be set up in the lobby. Also, a slide show done by 6th graders on A Walking Tour of Beverly may be shown. On August 3, a jazz concert with "A Patch of Blue" will be presented at 7:30 p.m. on the library lawn. The group has donated their services for this free concert. Mrs. Calish noted that the Monday Morning Cultural Society had finished their season June 21. Also a training session for patron registration will occur June 29 for several staff members. The Assistant Director had. artended a CLSI conference in Framingham on June 15 and 16. Mrs. Calish mentioned that one program idea might be to have a continental breakfast and program for business people on "Business Information at your Public Library." She asked for ideas and suggestions from the Board. Ms. Cormors suggested Mr. Bradford at the Chamber of Commerce as a resource. The report was accepted by unanimous consent. Communications: Mr. BuckIcy read two letters which had been received: 1 ) from the residents of Beverly Commons regarding their sadness at the possibility of losing Tom Hindman and the services of the bookmobile; 2) a petition regarding keeping Mr. Hindman and the bookmobile on the road. Mr. BuckIcy will place these letters on file. He also read a letter to Mr. Morency from Al Ricci stating that, with the Aldermen's approval, the vacancy of bookmobile librarian may temporarily be filled at Grade 11 with a part-time person at new employee's starting pay. New business: The following motions were made and approved at the Personnel meeting of June 15, 1982. The motions were made by Mr. Buckicy and seconded by Mr. Ayers. The first motion is as follows: Upon the receiving of permission from the Board of Aldermen to fill the vacant position of Y.A.R.R. Librarian, Tom Hindman will be transferred into that position. That transfer is to take effect within 30 days. Mr. Hindman will stay at his grade level. The second motion is as follows: As soon as the bookmobile vacancy occurs, Mrs. Calish is instructed to advertise for a temporary position of Bookmobile Operator. The position is not to exceed 20 hours per week. Employment is to take place within 30 days. Salary to be arranged. Class 2 license is required. Ms. White asked the committee the reason for hiring a part-time person for a position which is budgeted for full-time. Mr. Buckley noted the need for a better job description. Mrs. Dooling noted that the by-laws of the Board indicate that Mrs. Calish can hire part-time personnel without the Aldermen's approval; however, the letter read earlier from Mr. Ricci indicates otherwise. Mr. Bucldey offered to contact the Aldermen to see if the hiring of a part time employee could be effected. Mr. Bucldey suggested that the motion be tabled until the transfer of the bookmobile librarian is approved. Mr. Morency made the motion; Ms. Cormors seconded. The motion passed with Ms. White dissenting. Mrs. Dooling suggested that since 3 hours of the schedule of the Beverly Farms branch libraW count toward the 63 hour total which comprises the state aid requirement, that perhaps the Farms should receive 3/63rd of the total book budget. Mrs. Calish stated that perhaps the trustees could look into apportioning an amount based on a variety of factors, such as hours, circulation, etc., bearing in mind that the Reference allotment should be first subtracted from the total. Ms. Connors requested consera to add to the Personnel Committee's report on the June 15 meeting. The consent was not unanimous and was not granted. Mr. Ayers moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. White seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Nancy S. Aberman Recorder