1982-04-26 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 04/26/1982 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Richard L. Buckley, Lester C. Ayers, Mary K. Cormors, Conrile E. Dooling, Katherine L. Fanning, Dr. Edna M. MeGlynn, Roger E. Morency, Neil B. Olson Board members absent: Nancy A. White Others present: Vada Komich, League of Women Voters, Thomas Hindman, Library staff Recorder: Nancy Aberman Regular Meeting Board of Trustees-Beverly Public Library April 26, 1982 Roll Call of Members: Richard BuckIcy, Connie Dooling, Roger Morency, Mary Connors, Les Ayers, Nell Olson, Dr. Edna MeGlynn, Kay Fanning. Also present were Esther Calish; Nancy Aberman; Vada Komieh, League of Women Voters: Tom Hindman, staff member. The minutes of the March meeting were accepted as presented. Motion was made by Ms. Cormors and seconded by Mr. Ayers. Motion earfled. Mr. BuckIcy asked for a motion to enter into Executive Session. Mrs. Calish noted co that notice of Executive Session must be posted 24 hours in advance. Mr. BuckIcy then asked for a motion to meet in Committee of the Whole. Mr. Morency so moved. Dr. MeGlynn seconded. The motion carded. Observers were asked to leave. The Board convened in Committee of the Whole. Committee Reports: Administration- Regarding the roof situation, Mr. Morency re ported that the Mayor stated that he had sent the appropriation request of $30,000 to the Aldermen. If approved, a commission will be appointed. The Board will forward the library consultant's report to them. Mr. Moreney said that it was his belief that no bid procedure need be followed since this will be a service contract, The consultant who is hired will draw up specifications for bidding. He stated that the roof situation should be cleared up by Fall. He also mentioned that the fire inspector noted a possible problem with access and egress in the library lobby. Mrs. Calish will discuss with him the possibility of entrance and exit bars. Dr. MeGlynn asked if the current situation with the Beverly Room ceiling would increase the cost of repairs. Mr. Morency stated that there would be difficulty in restoring the ceiling with its original moldings, if the moldings are destroyed. Personnel-Mrs. Dooling presented the motion of the Personnel Committee to request that the Mayor and the Finance and Property Committee allow the library to fill the position of Reference and Young Adult librarian. The motion carried with no negative votes. Mrs. Calish noted that her usual procedure was to contact the Finance and Property Committee in ease of any questions on their pan. She was advised to proceed as usual, but to notify Mrs. Dooling so that they could go to the meeting together. Finance- The March financial statement was presented. Mrs. Calish reported on the breakdown of how the $60,000 in state aid and trust money has been spent on materials. Regarding next year's state aid, Mr. Morency questioned whe{her the library would be able to order materials to spend state aid before it is transferred into the library's account. Mrs. Calish knew of no such procedure. Mr. Morency said that it should be investigated. Mrs. Fanning asked if any funds were earmarked for the Farms Library. Mrs. Calish said that since the library has not been given municipal funding for materials, the state aid and trust has been used for materials for the Main Library. Mr. Buckley requested that the Finance Committee with the Director look into the possibility of giving any further funding which may be received to the Farms and the Bookmobile for materials. There was unanimous consent on this point. Mrs. Calish noted a correction on the mount of the dog tax which the library will be receiving to $1,874.96. Mr.' Morency mentioned that perhaps this mount could be given to the Farms for materials. Mrs. Calish said that with the consent of the Finance Committee a transfer had been requested from salaries to the fuel account to cover the expenditure beyond the budget figure. Report of the L~rarian: Mrs. Calish spoke about the status of the collection. She stated that no funds have been spent on replacements in the last five years. If the library receives extra funds, this is an area which needs attention. It was requested that the director make a detailed report regarding the replacement situation for the next meeting. The possibility of funding for this project may be available, and Mr. Morency will explore this with the Mayor. Mrs. Calish read a report from the Children's Room librarian regarding the status of the children's collection. Because of budget restraints, she has purchased materials of a more permanent nature, neglecting the areas of duplicates, juvenile paperbacks and cassettes. The lower circulation figures in these areas reflect the materials situation. In honor of National Library Week and Volunteer Recognition Week, Mrs. Calish read the names of those who volunteer their time regularly at the Main Library: Mr. Arthur Esty, Libby Nelson, Florence Esposito, Lorrie Manning, Arlene Robertson, Phyllis Clark, and Yolanda Conti; and at the Farms Branch: Louise and Fletcher Booraem, Nancy Coffey, Kate Cohen, Bette Comet, Helen Crowley, Julie Fontaine, Alberta Fowler, Beth Glass, Cbxistie Gould, Dr. Edna MeGlynn, Eleanor and Bill Presson, Fran Trowt, Dot Whigham, Jan Whitmore and Kay Fanning. Mrs. Calish pointed out highlights of the month. On Sunday, April 25, the library hosted 90 Boy Scouts. The Monday Morning Cultural Society is planning a trip to the Boston Pops on Wednesday, June 30. Merrill Lynch is currently giving a twoday investment seminar at the library. The Friends Rental Collection is doing very well. New Business: Mrs. Calish reported that at the Farms Branch, the plexiglass window over the front door was again shattered. She was directed to have the plexiglass replaced and covered with wire mesh. Dr. McGtynn made note that the union contract is in the process of being negotiated. Mr. Buckley will contact the City Solicitor about having Mr. Kaplan discuss negotiations with the Board. Mr. Morency made a motion to adjourn; Mrs. Fanning seconded. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Nancy S. Aberman Recorder Secretary: Roger Morency