1981-12-21 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 12/21/1981 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Nell B. Olson, Lester C. Ayers, Mary K. Connots, John R. CooRan, Katherine L. Fanning, Dr. Edna M. McGlynn, and Nancy A. White Board members absent: Piehard L. BuckIcy, and Roger E. Morency Others present: Conrad Mayo, Friends of the Beverly Public Library, Vada Komich, League of Women Voters, Thomas Hindman, Library staff Recorder: Barbara Smith Regular Meeting Board of Trustees - Beverly Public Library December 21, 1981 Roll Call of Members Present were: Neil Olson, Kay Fanning, Dr. Edna MeGlynn, Mary K. Cormors, Nancy White, Jack CooRan and Lester Ayers. Also present were: Esther Calish; Nancy Abeman; Conrad Mayo, Friends of the Beverly Library; Vada Komich, League of Women Voters; and Tom Hindman, staff member. The following documents were distributed: Financial Report for November; statistics for November; job description for Reference/Youth Librarian. Minutes of the November meeting were presented as accepted. Motion was made by Mr. Coogan and seconded by Dr. MeGlynn. Motion carded. Committee Reports: Finance: The Finance Committee had not met, however, Mrs. Calish is preparing the fiscal 1983 budget according to the instructions of the Board of Trustees. The Finance Committee will meet Monday, January 4, 1982 at 6:00 p.m. to review the budget. Personnel: Mary Cormors, Chairman of the Personnel Committee made the recommendation of the Personnel Committee: 1) to appoint Nancy Aberman to the position of Assistant Director; 2) to declare a vacancy in the position of Reference Librarian to be posted as required; 3 ) to authorize the appointment of an applicant to the position of Reference Librarian in the absence of additional applications subsequent to posting with each of the foregoing appointments to be subject to the approval of the Mayor to be requested by the Library Director. A motion was made by Mr. Coogan and seconded by Mr. Ayers to accept the recommendations of the Personnel Committee. Motion carded. Administration: Mr. Olson read a letter from Alan Taubert regarding roof repairs. His recommendations were to obtain a roofing contractor to fix the immediate problem areas and to hire an engineer to evaluate the condition ofthe roof. Mr. Olson also presented a letter from Philip Villanti of Villanti Roofing, Inc. estimating roof repairs at $475. Mrs. Calish noted that these repairs would solve the immediate leaking problem and could be paid for from the "Repairs" budget. It was the general consensus that these repairs be made as soon as possible and that a capital ou~ay request would have to be made for long range roof repairs. The discussion of major repairs will be postponed until January. Mr. Olson will thank Mr. Taubert for his efforts on the library's behalf. Report of Librarian: Mrs. Calish noted that her letter to the Mayor regarding supplemental funding needs has not been acknowledged. She stressed the library's need for a new microfilm reader-printer due to the high cost of repairs on our obsolete model. Mr. Olson said that he would speak to the Mayor regarding the supplemental funds. Mrs. Calish requested that the Legal Affairs Committee look into the matter of the library receiving in revenues an mount equal to the fine money, which is annually transferred back to the city. Mary Connots said that she would check into the matter and report back to the Board of Trustees. Communications: Mrs. Calish read a letter from the Beverly Coalition for Youth which notified the library that it has been awarded $180. for purchasing paperbacks for the Young Adult collection. A letter from the Friends of the Library was also read, stating that the Friends will finance, sponsor and cooperate with the library on a best-seller book rental collection. Mary Connors stated that she wished to go on record as disagreeing with the proposal, in principle, feeling that preferential treatment is accorded those who can pay the $1. fee. The general consensus of the Trustees was that such a collection will serve a demand for best sellers at this time. Mr. Olson read a letter to Barbara Smith, thanking her for her excellent job as Assistant Director. Upon motion of Mr. Coogan, seconded by Ms. Cormors, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, January 18, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. Barbara Smith Recorder Position: Reference and Youth Librarian Qualifications: M.L.S. from accredited library school; at least one year professional library experience in a public library setting; demonstrated experience in children and young adult programming and related services; familiarity with literature for children and young adults. Applicant should also have experience in adult reference service. Job Description: Reports to Assistant Director. Position will involve varying amoums of time divided between Reference and Youth Services Department, as needed. Duties: In Reference Department: -Assists library users in obtaining information and library materials -Carries out special research -Searches for materials to fill inter-library loan requests -Evaluates user requests for materials and makes recommendations for purchase -Expands, updates and oversees Information and Referral File -Indexes; provides subject headings for pamphlets, pictures and other non-catalogued library materials -Reads professional literature, reviews and participates in activities of professional associations and community organizations In Youth Services Department: -Plans and prepares library programs for children and develops programming for young adults -Acts as liaison between the schools and the library, as well as a representative to other youth-related community groups -Assists library users in obtaining information and library materials -Offers library instruction to groups -Reads professional literature, reviews and participates in activities of professional associations. Salary: $15,738.75% paid Blue Cross/Blue Shield. 35 hour work week requiring 2 nights per week and one weekend per month. Sick leave: 11/4 days per month for the first 2 years, not to exceed 15 days per year; 2 days per month thereafter not to exceed 20 days per year. Vacation: 2 weeks after first anniversary Personal days: 2 per year Union: A.F.S.C.M.E. dues $2.40 per week