1981-09-10 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 09/10/1981 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Nell B. Olson, Lester C. Ayers, Richard L. Buckley, John R. Coogan, Roger E, Morency, and Nancy A. White Board members absent: Mary K. Cormors, Katherine L. Fanning, and Dr. Edna M. McGlynn Others present: Recorder: Barbara Smith Regular Meeting Board of Trustees - Beverly Public Library September 10, 1981 Roll Call of Members: Present were: Ne~ Olson, Jack Coogan, Richard Buckley, Nancy White, Roger Morency and Lester Ayers. Also present were: Esther Calish, Barbara Smith, Catherine Von Sonnenberg from the League of Women Voters and John Crat~ey from the Beverly Times. The following documents were distributed: Year-end financial report; July financial report, statistics for June, July and August; overtime study. Minutes of the June meeting were accepted as presented. Motion was made by Mr. Buckley and seconded by Mr. Coogan. Motion carded. Committee Reports: Administration - Mrs. Calish reported that an architect from the Society for Preservation of New England Antiquities examined our front doors and sent a lengthy recommendation on how to repair them. He also recommended two people close-by who are able to do that kind of restoration work. We shotrid get estimates on the cost of their repair. It was moved by Mr. Buckicy and seconded by Mr. Coogan that this matter be referred to the Administration sub-committee. Motion carded. Five neighboring libraries (Lynn, Swampscott, Marblehead, Reading and North Shore Community College) have applied for an L.S.C.A. grant to enable them to join our automated circulation network. in order for them to do so, the Boards of the existing members must vote their approval. Even without the L.S.C.A. money, Lynn and Swampscott have sufficient funds to join. This would increase our data base and add more features to the system at no cost to present members because new members pick up the cost for expansion. Mr. BuckIcy asked about the status of the legal agreement we had referred back to Wakefield for clarification of certain items. Mrs. Calish replied that she would contact them. Peabody, Danvers and Lynnfield have signed the agreement. Mr. Coogan moved that Lynn and Swampscott be permitted to join the NOBLE consortium provided they have the funds to do so. Seconded by Nancy White. Carded. It was then moved by Nancy White and seconded by Mr. Coogan that other neighboring libraries who acquire funds to enable them to join the consortium during a one-year period be permitted to do so as long as it does not add to our cost. Motion carried. Finance - Mr. Bucldey explained the new format for the financial statement. Mrs. Calish stated that the Mayor had not allocated all the money returned to the city by the state and that we should submit a request for supplemental ~mds to restore our cut hours and to purchase a new microfilm reader-printer. It was moved by Mr. Coogan and seconded by Mr. Ayers to request supplemental funds over and above the $20,500 already allocated, of $11,000 for library operations to: a. restore part-time salaries and custodial overtime to allow us to reopen the nine hours cut from last year's schedule. b. purchase a new microfilm reader-printer to replace the current one for which parts are no longer being made. This budget request would only partially restore library service hours to their previous level. Motion carded. Mrs. Calish asked if there would be some way to have the city return to us the mount we are collecting in fines. Fines now approach some $6,000 per year. Mr. Olson said that he would ask Mary Connors to check with the City Solicitor on the procedure to do this. In light of use charges prompted by 2 ~, this may now be looked upon favorably. Trustees are reminded that they must come in to sign bill schedules by the 5th of the month per the auditor's instructions. 125th Anniversary - Mrs. Calish reported on the Entertainment Gala which will be held Sunday, September 20 from 7 to 10 in the library, the finale to the anniversary year. It will be a fund raiser for the purchase of books for the Children's Room. The Friends have 50 new members and there has been formed a Children's Room Committee of the Friends who are sponsoring the Gala. We need help from the Trustees to sell wine tickets, take tickets, act as hosts. Those wishing to help should arrive by 6:50 that night. There was some discussion about volunteers and about the situation at the Farms in particular. There is some concern that people think the library is in good financial shape and that is not at all the case. Motion was made by Ms. White and seconded by Mr. Ayers that Mrs. Calish set a Board Meeting for Monday, October 19 at 7:30 p.m. Carded. Upon motion of Mr. Coogan, seconded by Mr. BuckIcy, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Barbara Smith Recorder