1980-10-23 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 10/23/1980
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Nell B. Olson, Lester C. Ayers, Richard L. Buekley, Katherine L.
Fanning, Dr. Edna M. MeGlynn, and Nancy A. White
Board members absent: Mary K. Connors, John R. Coogan, and Emily P. Morency
Others present:
Recorder: Barbara Bruno Smith
Regular Meeting
Board of Trustees - Beverly Public Library
October 23, 1980
Roll Call of Members:
Present were: Neil Olson, Dr. Edna MeGlynn, Richard Buckley, Kay Fanning, Nancy White and
Lester Ayers. Also present were: Esther Calish and Barbara Bruno.
The following documents were distributed: Financial statement for September, Statistics for
September, proposed contract involving the five libraries in the CLSI consortium.
Minutes were accepted as presented. Motion made by Mrs. Fanning and seconded by Mr. Ayers.
Motion carded.
Committee Reports:
1251h Anniversary Committee: Ms. White thanked Mrs. Calish for the excellent job she has done
making arrangements and solidifying contacts. Approximately $2,000 has been raised from the letters
already sent but another mailing is being prepared. The tentative calendar and budget for the events
are as follows:
December 7 - Bookworm's Ball ($800, of which the Friends are funding $500), Louise
Southwick, Chairperson
January Earl Grollman speaking on "How to Care for your Aging Parents" cosponsored with
Family Forum
February Sports Celebrity Month, Frank Stellato, Chairman. Also announcement of the Photo
Contest ($500).
March - Beverly Guild of Artists show
April - Fine Arts Competition in cooperation with Montserrat School of Visual Art, Joseph
Jeswald, Chairman ($1,000 provided by four Beverly banks)
National Library Week (April 5 to 11) - Lecture by Carol Hawkes, President of Endicott
May - Exhibit from the Art competition
June - Ethnic cooking festival, Leo Berman, Chairman ($600)
Summer - Local history and AV programs ($500)
September - Photo awards, Club Day
Throughout the year - Children's programs ($500); others ($500 to $1,000)
Ms. White also recommended that the Trustees themselves sponsor one special event during the year,
perhaps a special printing of Bob Lovett's book (which has been completed), a literary program or
reception of some sort. Mr. Buckley suggested a reception honoring the Friends, staff and former
trustees combined with a local celebrity speaking on a topical subject of interest. This suggestion was
unanimously agreed upon by the Trustees. The date for the occasion was deferred to the
subcommittee, probably occurring during National Library Week or as a wrap-up for the Year in the
Mrs. Calish reported that the tickets for the Bookworm's Ball had been received and would be
available at the library. Trustees should let her know how many they need.
Administration Committee: Mrs. Calish reported that Mary Connors had examined the contract as
had lawyers for the other libraries and their suggestions had been incorporated. Mr. Olson pointed
out that there is no penalty clause and that the expenses involved are only for the operation of our
own system, not the consortium. There was some discussion about the agreement with Mr. Buckley
making the following motion: That we advise the Wakefield Board, in writing, that we have
substantial questions about the inclusion of this sentence in Section 9, "Said respective representative
and altemate is vested with full and complete authority to vote and take any other action which he
or she may deem appropriate at any meeting of said committee which action or vote shall be fully
binding upon said Participant except as herein provided" and that we suggest that in Section 10,
withdrawal notice be changed to ninety days from one year and the following sentence be deleted:
"The committee shall make a recommendation on said request to the governing bodies of each of the
other Participants and said governing bodies shall vote upon (a) whether or not said request for
withdrawal shall be granted and, (b) if so, the effective date thereof and any terms and conditions
which first must be complied with prior to said witMrawal being effective." We look forward to
receiving their ideas on this matter. Motion seconded by Mr. Ayers. Vote was four in favor and two
opposed. Motion carried with majority.
Personnel Committee: No report.
Finance Committee: Mrs. Calish reported that the lighting bill is always high at the end of the summer
because of air conditioning. We are replacing our fluourescent light bulbs with bulbs which use 15%
less energy for an annual savings of $700.
Report of Librarian: Mrs. Calish stated that everything is back into full swing. We are producing more
printed material for distribution and more information is contained in the newsletter using our new
offset. She had a report from the Youth Services Librarian on a computer seminar she had attended.
Communications: Mrs. Calish had a notice from the Massachusetts Library Trustees Association
announcing their meeting on October 25, 1980.
There being no further business, it was moved by Ms. White and seconded by Mr. Buckley that the
meeting be adjoumed. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
The next meeting will be Thursday, November 20, 1980 at 7:45 p.m.
Barbara Bruno Smith