1980-05-22 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 05/22/1980
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Nell B. Olson, Richard L. Buekley, Katherine L. Fanning, Dr. Edna
M. MeGlynn, and Nancy A. Piontek
Board members absent: Lester C. Ayers, Mary K. Connots, John R. Coogan, and Emily P.
Others present: Vada Komich, League of Women Voters
Recorder: Barbara Bruno
Regular Meeting
Board of Trustees - Beverly Public Library
May 22, 1980
Roll Call of Members:
Present were: Neil B. Olson, Dr. Edna MeGlynn, Nancy Piontek, Richard Buckley, Kay Fanning.
Also present were: Esther Calish, Barbara Bruno and Vada Komich from the League of
Women Voters.
The following documents were distributed: April financial report; April circulation statistics; proposal
regarding compensatory time for staff education. Mrs. Fanning presided until the arrival of Mr. Olson.
Committee Reports:
125th Anniversary Committee: Nancy Piontek reported that the letter inviting people to serve has
been drafted and would be mailed sometime next week to the 60 names already submitted. We will
also be asking for volunteers in the next Under the Rotunda. Acceptances are required by June 12th
so that there can be a meeting the last week in June and possibly one in July. This should allow time
for the sub-committees (Hospitality, Program, Publicity and Funding, if needed) to be organized.
There will be an historical reminiscence, a special logo and much on-going programming, celebrating
the anniversary from December 1980 through September 1981. Other ideas will be solicited from the
steering committee. Trustees are encouraged to continue to submit names and ideas.
Administration Committee: The bids for the terminals have been advertised and are to be opened June
6th. An organizational meeting sponsored by CLSI for the participating libraries is to be held May
28, 1980 at Peabody.
Personnel Committee: The Finance and Property Committee voted to fill the Media Services and
Children's Assistant positions. Two hearings before the Aldermen are required. Interviewing has been
completed and the candidates are ready to start immediately afterward.
Finance Committee: Dr. MeGlynn reported that Mrs. Alexander had commented favorably on the
library's tight budget at the previous night's Budget Hearing. The only item to be cut was the 80/81
increase in telephone costs because a Centrex system is being studied for City Hall. This was an
across-the-board cut in all city budgets. For the first time in several years, the budget was passed
while we were in attendance.
Mr. Olson's arrival made the quorum. The Minutes were accepted as presented. Motion made by Mr.
Buckley and seconded by Mrs. Fanning. Motion carried.
Report of the Librarian: Mrs. Calish reported that the transfers from salaries and lighting to fuel had
been approved and that the Mayor had authorized the use of any extra lighting money for fuel.
Our slide-tape program about library services, prepared by Carl Zukroff and the staff, won the first
place Massachusetts Library Association Public Relations Award and our newsletter won an
Honorable Mention.
At the Annual Meeting of E.R.L.A.C. on May 21 st, members voted against the wishes of Boston
Public Library to form an Automation Committee. Mrs. Calish commented on the significance of this.
Mrs. Calish will confer with Jim Kennedy of the Lawrence Library about the possibility of a CETA
grant to help with our data input. Mr. Kennedy has been particularly successful in writing this kind
of grant.
Department Head reports were read from Circulation, Youth Services and Extension. We will be
carpeting the Children's Room, courtesy of the Friends, and moving the microfilm and readers to the
Rotunda room, leaving the larger room for a story-telling area and office.
New Business: The proposal for permitting compensatory time to those taking educational courses
of benefit to the library was referred to the Personnel Committee upon motion of Mr. Buckley,
seconded by Mrs. Fanning. Motion carded.
Motion for adjournment was made by Mr. Buckley and seconded by Mrs. Fanning. The meeting
adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
The next meeting will be Thursday, June 26, 1980 at 7:45 p.m.
Barbara Bruno
At the present time, three staff members are enrolled in graduate library school. one staff member is
taking library science courses at Northeastern. We are encouraging staff members to continue their
education in areas which would result in better library service.
It would be too costly to apply the tuition reimbursement policy as it now stands.
Therefore, I recommend instead that we grant staff members time off during working hours to attend
courses, in the amount of 3 ½ hours for one course and 7 hours for two courses, while the course
is in session.
Reimbursement or payment for the tuition for short-term professional or library staff-oriented
workshops would be made from the $500 allocated in the 80/81 budget for professional development.
Esther Calish