1978-07-06 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 07/06/1978 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Neil B. Olson, Mary K. Connors, John R. Coogan, Katherine L. Fanning, Dr. Edna M. MeGlynn, Oleg M. Pohotsky, and Beatrice R. Vitale Board members absent: Lester C. Ayers, and Emily P. Morency Others present: Recorder: Special Meeting Board of Trustees Beverly Public Library Thursday, July 6, 1978 7:45 P.M. Present: Mr. Olson, Chairman, presiding; Mary K. Connors, Mrs. Fanning, Dr. MeGlynn, Mr. Coogan, Mr. Pohotsky, Mrs. Vitale. Reading of minutes of last meeting was dispensed with. Communications: Mr. Olson read letter from library staff (signed by 14 staff members) expressing their dissatisfaction with union negotiations. No action can be taken at this time except a reply thanking them and acknowledging their letter. This special meeting called to: (1) discuss 1978/79 budget cuts and request for carry-overs from expended 1977/78 FY budget to 78/79 FY; (2) feasibility study; and (3) new federal grant application. Mrs. Calish discussed 78/79 FY budget cuts from Pages' salaries ($7,580), custodians overtime ($3,500) and capital outlay ($2,590) total of $13,670. Because of these cuts, it was recommended that we close Farms Branch all day Thursday and Sunday afternoons. Mrs. Calish presented proposed request for carry-overs from unexpended 77/78 budget to 78/79 budget, to be submitted to Mayor as soon as June bill schedules have been submitted, showing total of $7,963.19. She proposed that $5,000 of this be restored to Pages' salaries so that we could open Main Library on Sundays for about 35 weeks and balance be used for materials for Bookmobile. Proposed that Farms custodian could be brought to Main Library to cover some of the hours so that Saturday and Sunday overtime would not be necessary for Main Library custodians. Mrs. Calish is to confer with the three custodians to work out new schedules. Mr. Olson stated that Mrs. Christine Sherrill of Farms had called him about recommendation for Sunday and one day a week closing. Many Faxms' residents fearful that this may lead to dosing Farms Branch completely. Mrs. Calish stated that she would not recommend closing it completely and it is not part of our plan to do so. She stated that 78/79 budget cutbacks are reason for recommended Sunday and one day a week closing. Mrs. Calish will meet and talk with Beverly Farms Improvement Society in August. Mr. Olson instructed Mr. Coogan to support hearing or any communication on request for carry-overs. He is to keep Finance Committee posted on any action and notify them if any assistance is needed. Mr. Pohotsky felt we should get something back for our good performance in staying within our budget. Upon motion made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: to accept proposed request to be made to Mayor for carry-over of expended mounts from 1977/78 FY to 1978/79 FY. Mr. Olson appointed Mary K. Connors (Mrs. Isenberg's replacement) to become fourth member of Committee on Administration. Feasibility Study: Mrs. Calish explained need for a good analysis by professional architects so that we know where we're at and what can or cannot be done with the main library building. Proposal from Interact, Inc. was for study to be done on a contingency basis. They will be helpful in getting funding; but if we do not get funding then we are not obligated to pay for study. She has checked with City Solicitor and City Planner regarding legality of study on contingency basis and it is legal and done by the City of Beverly. Motion made by Mr. Coogan and seconded that we accept the Interact, Inc. proposal for feasibility study on contingency basis. Amendment made to this motion by Mr. Pohotsky and seconded by Dr. MeGlynn that there be a time limitation of thirty-six months from the completion of the feasibility study to the commitment of funding to the library. Motion made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to accept Mr. Pohotsky's amendment relating to time limitation. Motion made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: in favor of the original motion to accept the proposal of Interact, Inc. subject to the time limitation amendment. New Grant Application: Mrs. Calish informed the Board that we are planning to make an application, in conjunction with North Shore Community College and Beverly Public Schools, for a $15,000 L.S.C.A. Grant for a videomaker in residence and for equipment to work with the elderly in Beverly on Beverly History. It will be video-oral type so it can be both archival and used for video programs to be presented to the community. Committee on Personnel: Mr. Olson instructed Mr. Pohotsky that if anything arises in union contract negotiations that requires a special meeting between now and September, contact the committee. September meeting may be held at Farms Branch. Adjourned 9:15 P.M. Esther Calish Clerk 7/6/78 PROPOSED REQUEST FOR CARRY-OVERS FROM UNEXPENDED 77/78FY TO 78/79 FY ACCOUNT AMOUNT REQUEST Binding & Microfilm $164.39 Carry over to same account for binding old books Repairs 168.32 Carry over to same account to be used to repair rug problem in Main foyer Fuel $1,408.35 *To re~instate $5,000 to Lighting 718.35 Pages account so that we may Telephone 290.90 be open on Sundays for 35 Equipment - Storm Windows 549.60 weeks, and balance of Library - Purchase and $2,963.19 for materials for Installation of Boiler 4,996.09 Bookmobile $7,963.19 * In any event, Faxms Branch must be closed one day a week and Sundays. July 12, 1978 Hon. Peter F. Fortunato, Mayor City Hall Beve~y, MA 01915 Dear Peter, As you and I discussed a few months ago, the trustees and I are requesting that the amounts left in the following accounts be carried over into the accounts designated below for 1978/79 FY. ACCOUNT AMOUNT REQUEST Binding & Microfilm $164.39 Carry over to same account for binding old books Repairs 168.32 Carry over to same account to be used to repair rug in Main foyer Fuel $1,408.35 $5,000 to Pages account so Lighting 718.25 that we may be open on Telephone 294.80 Sundays at Main Library for Equipment - storm windows 549.60 35 weeks; $2,871.70 for Library - Purchase and 4.900.70 materials for Bookmobile. Installation of Boiler Carry-over $7,871.70 Total - $7,871.70 Since there has been so much public Interest in Sunday openings and in Bookmobile service, it is fortunate that we have a surplus to carry over to these accounts. By authorizing these transfers, you will enable us to meet these demands for the coming year. Sincerely, Esther Calish, Librarian EC:es cc to City Auditor August 24, 1978 Hon. Peter F. Fortunato, Mayor City Hall Beve~y, MA 01915 Dear Peter, The Trustees and I request the transfer of $4,900.70 from "Library - Purchase & Installation of Boiler" account to "Salaries - Pages" account in order that we may use this money to pay Pages for Sunday openings. Sincerely, Esther Calish Head Librarian cc to City Auditor EC/jw