1969-09-18 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 09/18/1969
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Diane M. Isenberg, Robert W. Lovett, Mieth Maeser,
Dr. Cornelius J. Murray, Barbara D. Risley, and Carolyn F. StandIcy
Board members absent: Albert J. Ricei
Others present:
Recorder: Florence A. Luther
Thursday, September 18, 1969 4 P.M.
The regular meeting was held at the Library on the above date. Present were Mrs. Conrad, presiding,
Mrs. Isenberg, Mr. Maeser, Dr. Murray, Miss StandIcy, Mr. Lovett and Mrs. Risley.
Because of the death of Mr. Toomey, Mrs. Conrad asked for a moment of silence. She asked Mr.
Lovett, Dr. Murray and Miss Standley to set up resolutions, a copy of which is to be sent to Mrs.
Toomey and one to be placed on the records.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read. Financial sheets were studied and approved.
Reports from the department heads of summer projects were presented.
For administration:
Mrs. Conrad reported on the progress of repairs. She explained that there was some
dissatisfaction with the Farms door and that Mr. Whitaker had been down. She also explained
about corner molding in the Youth Room and the bad bubble above the main desk that needed
attention and would be additional work. She also called attention to the fact that the iron rails
needed paint.
Dr. Murray will request City painters to paint the iron work. Also, he will consult with the
Police Department concerning the enforcement of the 30 minute parking on Essex Street in
front of the Library.
Mr. Abate will give a figure for repair to marble floor at the Main Library entrance.
Mr. Beaulieu cannot promise any painters for work on outside white, paint trim until spring.
D. A. R. requested use of Yellow Room for meeting on November 18, 1969 and February
17, 1970 at 2 P.M.
Note of thanks from Toomey family to Mrs. Conrad.
Letter from Mrs. Albert Eaton, 5 Beach Street, stating that her children are afraid to enter the
Library. Mrs. Conrad will contact Mrs. Eaton.
Resignations of both Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Hall accepted with great regret.
The need for additional space was discussed at length. The need of a children's building, or addition,
is a must - the small area for group programs is very inadequate, and the crowded condition of the
Children's and the Young Adult Rooms is bad. Dr. Murray requested information concerning Trust
Funds available for planning. Miss Standley suggested we show evidence of need by taking pictures
of crowded conditions.
Mrs. Risley expressed concem ofoverdues and volunteered to contact delinquent borrowers. These
delinquents have already received 2 postcards, telephone call, law letter and bill.
Meeting adjourned at 6 P.M.
Florence A. Luther