1968-05-16 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 05/16/1968
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, E. Leslie Bunker, Robert W. Lovett, Mieth Maeser~
Dr. Cornelius J. Murray, Albert J. Ricci, Carolyn F. StandIcy, and Thomas J. Toomey
Board members absent:
Others present:
Recorder: Marion A. Brown
May 16, 1968 4 P. M
The regular meeting was held at the Library on the above date. In attendance were Mrs. Conrad,
presiding, Miss StandIcy, Mr. Maeser, Mr. Toomey, Mr. Bunker, Mr. Lovett, Mr. Pied and Dr.
The records were approved as read. ARer study, the Finance sheets were accepted and placed on file.
For Administration it was explained that the parapet on the from of the Main Building needed
caulking. An estimate of $300 was given by the Robb Construction Co.
After inspecting the building, Mrs. Conrad read the list of needed repairs and necessary cleaning.
After discussion VOTED to take $1000 from the Trust Funds to do as much work as possible.
After discussion as to painting the Reading Room and Children's Room, it was felt that a special
appropriation must be requested, as the cost would probably be in vicinity of 3 to $4000, for this
Mrs. Conrad read a letter from Mrs. Brown, Librarian requesting retirement, aeter 51 years of service.
VOTED to accept the request with sincere regret and deep appreciation of her work during the past.
VOTED to appoint Mrs. Florence Luther, who has been Assistant Librarian, to the position of
librarian at a salary of $164 per week as of July 1. Mrs. Conrad will consult with Mrs. Luther and
immediately seek an Asst. Librarian, contacting Simmons, Northeastern, B.U. and the Division of
Library Extension. An interviewing Committee was appointed: Mr. Lovett, Mrs. Conrad and Mrs.
Luther. Salary to be discussed later. The time has come to update the Heads of Departments.
ARer discussion as to a new junior assistant: VOTED to appoint Darlene Scotti to begin June 1 at
a salary of $72 per week. This will be for a 6 months probation period.
Suggested that reports be dispensed with and hold a discussion of the Tercentenary Programs. Send
out invitations to the Author's Tea. Put an article in the Beverly Times and Salem News concerning
the Poetry Hour. Mrs. Conrad will arrange with Creed for the Tea. The girls will serve refreshments
and Tmstee's wives greet authors,
Suggestion made that the next meeting take place June 13 so to have all arrangements completed for
the programs.
Adjourned 5:30
Marion A. Brown