1968-01-18 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 01/18/1968 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, E. Leslie Bunker, Mieth Maeser, Robert W. Lovett, Dr. Cornelius J. Murray, Albert J. Ricci, and Carolyn F. Standley Board members absent: Thomas J. Tooracy Others present: Recorder: Marion A. Brown January 18, 1968 4 P.M. Regular Meeting In attendance at the above meeting were Mrs. Conrad, presiding, Miss StandIcy, Mr. Maeser, Dr. Murray, Mr. Bunker, Mr. Lovett, and Mr. Pdcci. VOTED to accept the records of the previous meeting. It was announced that $1.02 was returned to the City from the 1967 Maintenance. The 1968 Budget is still at City Hall. No reports for Administration as Mr. Toomey was absent. Circulation and Librarian's reports were accepted and placed on file. Because of the great loss in circulation it was felt wise, after long discussion, to have Mr. Toomey arrange for signs to be placed in front of the Library. (PARKING FOR LIBRARY ONLY.) Mrs. Conrad explained that she and Mr. Toomey met with Mayor Vitale to discuss the 1968 Budget. The Mayor stated that he would give consideration to the $1600 requested for books, however felt that the Book Preparation Supplies was high, $1800. Also he stated he would cut page money back to $9000 and allow $3774 for a new assistant to be used on the bookmobile. A long discussion was held. Adjourned 5 P.M Marion A. Brown Clerk