1967-11-16 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 11/16/1967
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Robert W. Lovett, Dr. Cornelius J. Murray, Albert J. Ricci, Carolyn F.
StandIcy, and Thomas J. Toomey
Board members absent: Louisa V. Conrad, Anne P. Bryant, and Mieth Maeser
Others present:
Recorder:. Marion A. Brown
November 16, 1967 4 P.M.
The regular meeting was held on the above date. Present were Miss StandIcy, Mr. Toomey, Mr.
Lovett, Dr. Murray and Mr. Pied. The reading of the records of the previous meeting and all reports
were omitted. The financial statemere was carefully studied.
VOTED Dr. Murray made a motion, seconded by Mr. Toomey to carpet the stairs, landings and top
floor landing, wall to wall with Ozite Town "N" Terrace carpet. Price quoted $295 stairs, $265
VOTED Miss Standley moved, Mr. Toomey seconded to have O"rlara do the ceiling in the lower area
hall ways. Price $175.
VOTED to allow Mrs. Patch 2 weeks leave of absence without pay due to the illness of her mother
who is 90 years of age.
VOTED if money allows to sand letters on each side of front door. Price $135 to be done by Abate.
If not to be done in March or Apr. so to be ready for the Tercentenary.
VOTED to close Thanksgiving Day Eve and Sat. morning before Christrims.
VOTED Unanimous vote of Trustees, absolutely no money to pay vacation time for custodians. Long
discussion was held as one custodian is taking his vacation now and the other would have to work
every morning and evening. It was decided to discuss with both custodians and at the moment they
must abide by the Trustees. They want overtime.
Adjourned 5:15
Marion A. Brown