1967-04-27 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 04/27/1967 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Mieth Maeser, Dr. Cornelius J. Murray, Albert J. Ricci, Carolyn F. Standley, and Thomas J. Toomey Board members absent: Anne P. Bryant, Frank P. Hyde, and Robert W. Lover Others present: Recorder: Marion A. Brown Thursday, April 27, 1967 4 P.M. The regular Meeting of Trustees was held at the Library on the above date. Mrs. Conrad presided. In attendance were Miss Standley, Mr. Maeser, Mr. Tooracy, Dr. Murray and Mr. Ricci. Atty. Albert J. Ricci will fill the unexpired term of resigning Mr. Frederick H. Pierce. It was moved to proceed to the organization ofthe Board. Miss Standley nominated Mrs. Conrad as Chairman. Mr. Tooracy seconded the motion, and by ballot Mrs. Conrad was unanimously reelected. It was unanimous that Mrs. Bryant was reelected as Secretary. After nominations were closed it was: VOTED to accept the minutes of the last meeting. VOTED to accept all reports and Finance Sheets. VOTED TO CONSIDER PURCHASE of the New Catholic Encyclopedia which has been out of print since 1917, also, make a study to update the Reference material. For Administration Mr. Tooracy explained that the Main desk top needs refinishing. It was suggested to seek estimates for a glass top. VOTED for 2 (two) to attend the Mass. Library Assoc. Meeting in Chicopec, May 18 & 19. Mrs. Conrad read the questionnaire from Mr. Joseph Hopkins, Head of Public Library Administration, concerning the 1965 Mass. General Court Law Chapter 763 which provided for the right of municipal employees to organize and elect an agent to bargain with their employers for the purpose of improving wages, hours and conditions of work. As this is to be one issue at the M.L.A. Meeting, Mrs. Gibbs who is going to attend was requested to report fully on this law. A long discussion was held as to the terrific heat in the upstairs rooms during the summer months. Suggestions were made to get estimates for a cover over the skylight of a canvass aluminum awning. VOTED to purchase 6 awnings for top floor windows in brick red to match those on Main floor. Pelletier Shade Co. to do the work. $168 Discussion took place as to the use of the Farms Hall by the Beverly Farms Associates. VOTED that the janitors must be paid $3.50 per hour and a 2 hour minimum and a letter requesting use each time it is to be used. VOTED to consider a Clarke wet & dry vacuum cleaner. Mr. Tooracy to attend this. Discussion held concerning refurbishing the Staff Room. Mrs. Conrad will attend to this matter. Also bring in a report for the next meeting concerning necessary plumbing to connect a sink unit. Next meeting was set for May 25. Adjourned 5:35 Marion A. Brown Clerk Mr. Frederick H. Pierce Resolution It is reluctantly and with Deep regret that the Board of Trustees accepts your resignation effective March 1, 1967. We the Trustees have entered the following resolution in the Record Book Whereas Mr. Frederick H. Pierce has been a Trustee since September 1955 until February 1967. The Trustees wish to express their deep appreciation for his faithfulness in executing all duties pertaining to his position as Trustee. Whereas these duties included changing the By-laws and assisting with the Trust Funds Report and for so many years Chairman of the Finance Committee. Whereas We wish to extend sincere thanks for his many hours of unselfish work, his inspiration and his quiet courtesy to all. We hope that in his leisure time he will continue to give us the benefit of his great experience.