1967-03-23 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 03/23/1967
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Frank P. Hyde, Robert W. Lovett, Dr. Cornelius J.
Murray, and Carolyn F. Standley
Board members absent: Anne P. Bryant, Mieth Maeser, Frederick H. Pierce, and Thomas J.
Others present:
Recorder: Marion A. Brown
Thursday, March 23, 1967 Special Meeting
Since the February and March regular meetings were canceled for lack of a quorum, a Special
Meeting ofthe Board of Trustees was held at the Library on the above date. In attendance were Mrs.
Cortrad, presiding, Miss StandIcy, Mr. Hyde, Dr. Murray and Mr. LoveR.
Minutes of the previous meeting were waived. Also waived were reports of the Finance and
The Financial sheet of expenditures through March was presented, and a brief summary of reports
of Department Heads was given. It was voted that two Record Bins be purehased at eighty-five
dollars (85.00) each. Miss Standley made the motion. Mr. Hyde seconded.
Permission was granted to Mrs. Lena Mumey of the D.A.R~ for the organization to meet in the
yellow room the third Tuesday of October and November 1967 and February 1968. Permission also
granted to Mr. Anderson of the Beverly Farms Associates to use the Farms Hall March 29.
Mrs. Conrad read the resignation of Mr. Pierce and the Board agreed that a resolution be dram up
and be a part of the permanent records.
Brought to the attention of the Board was a clipping from the Salem Evening News stating the
appointment of Mr. Albert Ricci had been confirmed by the Aldermen. It was suggested that the Clerk
of Committees be requested to notify the Board of new appoimments in writing.
It was voted unanimously to grant Mrs. Florence Hall a leave of absence, without pay, until August
1. As yet her doctor has not released her. Motion made by Dr. Murray, seconded be Mr. Hyde.
It was voted unanimously to appoint Mrs. Eleanor Scully to the staff as h'brary assistant on a six
month probation at the ~!_ary of seventy two dollars (372.00) per week. Motion made by Dr. Murray
and seconded by Mr. Hyde.
Mr. Edward Doherty attended later part of meeting. He reported that Mrs. Martha Hutchins had been
reclassi~ed in the Yarger Plan. Her status is to be Class 6 instead of Class 5. The Aldermen had
approved this 9 to 0. (However as yet there has been no notification that the Mayor has signed the
order or that he has appropriated the necessary funds for a step raise.) Mr. Doherty also affirmed that
Mr. Ricci had received confirmation by the Aldermen.
The next meeting date set for April 27.
Meeting adjourned at 4:45.
Florence A. Luther
Acting Clerk