1977-06-16 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 06/16/1977 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: John R. Coogan, Frances M. Moran, and Beatrice R. Viiale Board members absent: Lester C. Ayers, Katherine L. Fanning, Douglas L. Henderson, Diane M. Isenberg, Caleb Loring III, and Oleg M. Pohotsky Others present: Esther Calish, Library Director, and Eleanor M. Scully, Assistant Library Director Recorder: Esther Calish MINUTES Beverly Public Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting June 16, 1977 7:45 P.M. Present: Mr. Coogan (presiding), Mrs. Vitale, Miss Moran, Mrs. Scully, Mrs. Calish. Minutes of the May 12 Regular Meeting and the May 31 Special Meeting were approved. Committee Reports: Finance Committee: The budget for FY 77/78 was approved by the Finance Committee of The Board of Alderman June 6, 1977. Members of the trustees' finance committee were in attendance along with Mrs. Calish The Alderman expressed an interest in discussing the Bookmobile situation at a later date. Administration Committee: Engineer's report estimates cost of me boiler at $16,000, with other engineer's report expected by the end of June. At that time, specs can be sent out for bids. The heat controls have to be checked by the Shaw Company which installed them. Librarian's Report: Personnel: Youth Services position. 85 applications received. Residency requirement a handicap "- limits choices to those willing and able to move to Beverly. Barbara Nelson, Technical Services Librarian, has resigned effective July 8, and Mrs. Calish has requested permission of the Mayor and Alderman to fill this position. Mrs. Calish will interview candidates for both the Youth Services position and the Technical Services position at the American Library Association Convention, June 17 to 22 being held in Detroit. Motion was passed, that all candidates for all positions, Professional and Non-Professional, must meet minimum standards set by Massachusetts Bureau of Library Extension and American Library Association. Minimum standards for job qualifications should be specified in library job descriptions and adhered to. Outreach: Transportation problem --- library needs a vehicle for delivery and pick up of materials and for outreach person to travel to distant parts of city to implement programs. Miss Moran offered to call various car dealers to see iftem porary use of a station wagon might be donated. Renovations: Remodeling of reading room with installation of periodicals shelving and book shelves renovated to match; is being handled by O. P. Kilham of Lynn who has done a great deal of furnishings and rehabilitation in many Mass. libraries. Target date for specs end of June. Moving reference room downstairs and children's room upstairs deemed a necessity. Motion made to proceed with plans to effect this. Also recommended by trustees - replacement of worn-out carpet an stairs and in upper hall when Children's Room is moved upstairs. Staff meeting attended by 24 members morning of June 10. There will be 3 or 4 such meetings during the year to discuss library programs and problems, topics of general interest to staff meeting provides an opportunity for better communication among staff members. The Library will have exhibit table at Beverly Street Fair on Sat., June 25. Will present puppet show and publicize library programs and reference service. Carl Zukroffis in charge of setting up display with assistance ofFran Penta. Summer programs include a children's activity program each day of the week except Saturday. The film "Roots", nights at Main Library, and Tuesday at the Farms Branch. A discussion led by David Wharton of North Shore Community College will follow Mon. night showings. Department Reports: - Increase in circulation - Farms historical project, consisting of printing and mounting 60 photographs of Farms, past and present, is underway. - Microfilming of Beverly Times will proceed as planned since allowance for materials was included in current budget. Micro filming will not take place on library premises. Summer hours Main: Mon.- Thurs. 9-9 Branch: M & W 10-6 Fri. - 9-5 T & Th 1-9 Sat. - 9-1 Fri. 9-5 Library will be closed for holiday, July 2, 3, & 4. There will be a strong public relations attempt in the coming year to increase use of the Beverly Farm Branch with possible introduction of more programs and school and neighborhood contacts. Winter hours will be: Main: M-Th 9-9 Branch: M-W-F 10-6 Fri. 9-6 T-Th 1- 9 Sat. 9-5 Sat. Closed Sun. 1-5 Sun. 1-5 Board recommended that Farm daily statistics be examined to determine if Farms should close me day a week in the future should there be no increase in use of Farms Branch. The Farms Staff could work at the Main Library on that day. Board recommended that strong measures be taken to recover overdue books held in large amounts by individuals. Rescinding of library privileges could be one means used. This reaffirms directive issued me year ago and recorded in minutes of 6/17/76. Board voted to send letter of thanks to Michael J. Anthony for his presentation at May 31 meeting on school project for construction ofbookmobile. New business: Mr. Coogan announced that he had received a notice from union to meet on contract bargaining for library employees. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Esther Calish Clerk