1977-04-28 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 04/28/1977 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: John R. Coogan, Lester C. Ayers, Katherine L. Fanning, Douglas L. Henderson, and Beatrice R. Vitale Board members absent: Diane M. Isenberg, Caleb Loring III, Frances M. Moran, and Oleg M. Pohotsky Others present: Esther Calish, library director elect Recorder: Eleanor M. Scully Beverly Public Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting April 28, 1977 7:45 P.M. Present: Mr. Coogan, presiding; Mrs. Viiale, Mr. Loring, Mr. Ayers, Mrs. Fanning and Mr. Henderson. Mrs. Esther Calish, new Head Librarian who will start work on May 2, 1977, was present. Minutes of March 17, 1977, regular meeting were approved. Committee Report: No reports Librarian's Report: Department Head's reports were noted. Old Business: Mrs. Scully discussed the need for record bins and new shelving for periodicals and gave estimates of about $975 for 4 record bins and $3,000 for shelving for periodicals. With present balance in Furniture account available towards these items, we would need approximately $2400 more for Furniture. She recommended following allocation of State Aid money: Books $11,800.00 Furniture 25,400.00 Janitor Supplies 180.50 Total $14,380.00 Motion was made to accept transfers as recommended. Mrs. Seully and Mrs. Calish are to discuss shelving and report back at next meeting. Report on clogged roof drain made by Mr. Coogan and Mrs. Scully. Roofers had recommended we get someone with rotor rooter equipment to unclog drain. We finally succeeded in getting someone who could come immediately. They came April 15th and attempted to put equipment down from roof. Cable became lodged in pipe and men were unable to remove it. They retumed on April 19th and continued to try and find the direction of the flow of roof drain and locate their cable. They dug down about 6-8 feet in yard outside back door but could not find the pipe or direction of flow. Their conclusion was that pipe must go directly through cement foundation. It took four of their men and an electric machine to pull out their cable. The head of the company informed Mrs. Scully there was nothing further they could do on April 20th. She then called the Building Inspector and alter he and Plumbing Inspector looked at problem, they told her to call a plumber. Mr. Callahan was called and came in. He felt he must open up a section of inside wall next to the back door to see if we could find direction of pipe flow. He contacted Public Works Dept. but they could not do it, so he contacted Connolly Brothers, Contractors. They opened the wall and had to take up flooring and dig area just inside back door where they located the pipe and found it clogged with roofing tar and dirt. Plumber replaced it with new pipe and/are awaiting next rain storm to make sure they have located problem. That's where we stand at the moment. New Business: Mr. Goldberg of Samuel Goldberg & Son, reported on boiler problem. Mr. Freyman, Custodian, called him on 3/23/77 when he heard noise from one boiler as though steam was escaping. Goldberg found two sections worn away, so boiler was shut down and disconnected from remaining boiler. His proposals 1. Replace worn sections - he does not recommend this. 2. Replace the 1 damaged boiler - estimated cost approximately $10,500. 3. Replace with one large boiler to provide heat for whole building and leave old remaining boiler for standby reserve estimate cost approximately $13,000. 4. Replace both boilers - estimate approximately $20,000. Mr. Ayers discussed need for heating engineer to write "specs", and what does our boiler insurance cover. Mr. Goldberg stated that we could contact our agent regarding possibility of making claim for damages. He felt it was just a case of old age - worn thin after 64 years of service. Motion was made that Administration Committee study boileproblem and report back at next meeting. Next regular meeting of Board of Trustees to be held May 12, 1977, at 7:45 P.m. at Farms Branch. VOTED: To transfer from Trust Funds income $1,000 to "L.S.C.A. Title I, Federal Grant - Library - Outreach Services for Special Children" account and $500 to "Library - Model Deaf Services Grant -L.S.C.A. Title 1, 1976-77 (2)" account with understanding that reimbursement will be made, ai~er audit by CP& by the State and said reimbursement will be returned to Trust Funds income. Bookmobile was discussed. Mr. Coogan reported he understood it had been removed by Finance & Property Comm. of Board of Aldermen from bond issue submitted by Mayor Vitale. The matter goes before the full Board of Aldermen next Monday night. We are to tell patrons to contact their Aldermen. Adjourned 9:15 p.m. Eleanor M. Scully Acting Clerk FINANCIAL STATEMENT July, 1976, through Mar., 1977 BUDGETED EXPENDED 1976-77 ACCOUNT TO DATE TO DATE BALANCE APPROPRIATION Salaries & Wages $201,059.01 $179,788.70 $89,290.05 $268,078.75 Trust Funds 10,483.02 8,169.42 5,807.98 13,977.40 Maintenance 86,323.86 67.967.94 47, 104.56 82,900.00 17,630.70 211.30 * 14,380.50 Library Materials Books & Replacements 38,764.71 41,542.59 10,167.71 41,500.00 10,000.00 Periodicals 3,749.94 805.00 4, 196.00 210.00 4,000.00 A/V Materials 2,925.00 1,002.24 2,897.76 1,000.00 1.00 Operating Expenses 3,900.00 Binding 749.97 606.14 393.86 1,000.00 8,500.00 Fuel 6,085.87 5,562.30 1,287.70 -1,650.00 4,500.00 Lighting 3,960.00 3,961.11 1,338.89 + 800.00 1,500.00 Telephone 1,800.00 1,658.61 691.39 + 850.00 3,000.00 Furniture 2,250.00 1,786.91 2,486.09 1,273.00 5,000.00 Repairs 3,749.94 2,032.50 2,967.50 Janitor Supplies & Care of grounds 1,874.97 1,972.28 527.72 2,500.00 Printing 187.47 191.05 58.95 250.00 Office Supplies 1,499.94 2,027.65 0 2,000.00 Bk. Prep. Supplies 4,785.30 3,290.36 3,090.14 3,000.00 3,380.50 Bookmobile 749.00 719.91 280.09 1,000.00 Copy Machine 749.00 748.45 251.55 1,000.00 Expenses 187.47 54.61 195.39 250.00 Expenses - Meetings Dog Tax 27.65 1,969.55 1,997.20 Other outlays Microfilm Periodicals (Back files) 2,997.54 2.46 3,000.00 Carded over from 1975/76 FY: 14,380.50 State Aid 1,273.00 (Carpet - Faxms) Fumtiure 1,977.20 Dog Tax 17,630.70