1975-09-18 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 09/18/1975 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad,, Diane M. Isenberg, Michael Larivee, Mieth Macset, Sheila M. MeGarr, Frances M. Moran, and Beatrice R. Vitale Board members absent: Lester C. Ayers, and Richard J. Bronstein Others present: Recorder: Mark A. Nesse Beverly Public Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting September 18, 1975 7:30 P.M. Present: Mrs. Conrad, presiding; Mrs. Isenberg, Mr. Larivee, Mr. Maeser, Miss McGarr, Miss Moran and Mrs. Vitale. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Committee Reports: Finance Committee - Financial statement was studied Circulation Committee - Circulation charts were studied Farms Committee - no report Bookmobile Committee - no report Personnel Committee - no report Librarian's Report: (Highlights of Department Reports) Circulation - Highest (1,180) circulation in library history reported Reference Farms Youth Room Children's Department - summer reading program a success Audio/Visual - new films purchased included Old Business: - Report of Ad Hoe By-Laws Committee: Good progress being made. A draft of proposed changes to be sent to members before October meeting. - Sunday openings over the s umm er was reported to have been a big success - Policy on donations was discussed. Librarian was to be sure that notes of thanks were sent New Business: VOTED: To accept the resignation of john Nove, Audio-Visual Librarian and to appoint Carl E. Zukroff on a 6-month provisional basis -Resignation of Mrs. M. Dunklee, Reference Librarian, accepted with regret. Librarian to run ads for a replacement. -Date of October meeting changed to October 15th. -Allocation of $14,380.50 state aid deferred until October meeting. VOTED: Mrs. Conrad and Librarian to investigate the possiblity of up-dating the 1971 Shaffer report in order to respond to the city-wide "capital improvement" plan. -Acceptance of three staff members in an institute sponsored by Syracuse Univ. on Developing Dynamic Library Service was noted. Expenses to be met from "out-of-State Travel" and a stipend granted by Syracuse Univ. -Campaign materials file was discussed. Librarian was to write a press release clarifying its purpose and scope. Adjournment: 9:20 P M. Mark A. Nesse Clerk