1975-06-19 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 06/19/1975 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Lester C. Ayers, Richard J. Bronstein, Michael Larivee, Mieth Maeser, Sheila M. McGarr, Frances M. Moran, and Beatrice R. Vitale Board members absent: Diane M Isenberg Others present: Recorder: Mark A. Nesse Beverly Public Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting June 19, 1975, 7:30 P.M. Present: Mrs. Conrad, presiding; Mr. Ayers, Mr. Bronstein, Mr. Larivee, Mr. Maeser, Miss McGarr, Miss Moran and Mrs. Vitale Minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. Committee Reports were called for: Finance Committee - financial statement studied Circulation Committee - circulation charts studied Farms Committee - no report Bookmobile committee - no report Personnel Committee - to write a letter to the Mayor requesting an ordinance change for reclassification of the Librarian. Librarian's Report: Highlights of departmental reports were noted: Circulation - new art prints purchased. Reference Farms - weeding of book collection is continuing. Youth Room Children's Department - toys well received as was the railroad reading club Audio/Visual - two new films (W.C. Fields & Charlie Chaplin) were purchased, as was a new slide projector. Old Business: - Status of Ad-Hoc By-Laws Committee was briefly noted - Use of CETA (Comprehensive Employment and Training Act) employees was reported by Librarian: 1. Relabeling project 2. Graphics work for "Beverly in 1900" 3. Mending and reorganization of periodicals 4. General "filling-in" during vacation periods. New Business: - Summer programs in the library to include a circus reading club and drama group in the children's room. - Letter from Beverly Hospital was read thanking the library for the puppet show. - Trust fund report was put on file. - Report on the status of program "Beverly in 1900" to be done in co-operation with NSCC in the fall. - Letter to be sent to Mayor Viiale after 7/1/75 regarding our need for a microfilm reader/printer. Librarian asked trustees to lobby for this item with their aldermen. Adjournment: 8:55 P.M. Mark A. Nesse Clerk