1975-06-19 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 06/19/1975
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Lester C. Ayers, Richard J. Bronstein, Michael Larivee,
Mieth Maeser, Sheila M. McGarr, Frances M. Moran, and Beatrice R. Vitale
Board members absent: Diane M Isenberg
Others present:
Recorder: Mark A. Nesse
Beverly Public Library
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
June 19, 1975, 7:30 P.M.
Present: Mrs. Conrad, presiding; Mr. Ayers, Mr. Bronstein, Mr. Larivee, Mr. Maeser, Miss McGarr,
Miss Moran and Mrs. Vitale
Minutes of the last meeting were read & approved.
Committee Reports were called for:
Finance Committee - financial statement studied
Circulation Committee - circulation charts studied
Farms Committee - no report
Bookmobile committee - no report
Personnel Committee - to write a letter to the Mayor requesting an ordinance change for
reclassification of the Librarian.
Librarian's Report:
Highlights of departmental reports were noted:
Circulation - new art prints purchased.
Farms - weeding of book collection is continuing.
Youth Room
Children's Department - toys well received as was the railroad reading club
Audio/Visual - two new films (W.C. Fields & Charlie Chaplin) were purchased, as
was a new slide projector.
Old Business:
- Status of Ad-Hoc By-Laws Committee was briefly noted
- Use of CETA (Comprehensive Employment and Training Act) employees was reported by
1. Relabeling project
2. Graphics work for "Beverly in 1900"
3. Mending and reorganization of periodicals
4. General "filling-in" during vacation periods.
New Business:
- Summer programs in the library to include a circus reading club and drama group in the
children's room.
- Letter from Beverly Hospital was read thanking the library for the puppet show.
- Trust fund report was put on file.
- Report on the status of program "Beverly in 1900" to be done in co-operation with NSCC
in the fall.
- Letter to be sent to Mayor Viiale after 7/1/75 regarding our need for a microfilm
reader/printer. Librarian asked trustees to lobby for this item with their aldermen.
Adjournment: 8:55 P.M.
Mark A. Nesse