11/21/1974 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 11/21/1974 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Lester C. Ayers, Richard J. Bronstein, Michael Larivee, Mieth Maeser, Carolyn F. StandIcy, Samuel E. Tappan, and Beatflee R. Viiale Board members absent: Diane M. Isenberg, Others present: Recorder: Mark A. Nesse Beverly Public Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting November 21, 1974 Present: Mrs. Conrad, presiding; Mr. Ayers, Mr. Bronstein, Mr. Maeser, Mr. Larivee, Miss Standley, Mr. Tappan and Mrs. Vitale. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved with changes. Committee Reports: Finance -Current financial statement - July through Oct., 1974, was studied. -Budget for July 1, 1975 - June 30, 1976, to be submitted: Salaries 245,426.00 Maintenance 110, 550.00 Books 57,500.00 Replacement s 3,750.00 Periodicals 4,500.00 A/V 5,000.00 Binding 1,000.00 Fuel 8,500.00 Lighting 4,500.00 Telephone 13800.00 Furniture 3,000.00 Repairs 5,000.00 Janitor's Supplies, Care of grounds 2,500.00 Printing 500.00 Book Prep. supplies 6,000.00 Office supplies 2,500.00 Bookmobile 2,000.00 Copy Machine 2,500.00 Other Outlays. 6,750.00 Out of State Travel 250.00 Microfilm Periodicals 3,000.00 Microfilm Reader/Primer 3,500.00 Total Budget request, 1975/76... 362,726.00 -New toilets to receive further consideration Circulation - no report Farms - no report Bookmobile - no report Personnel - The 1975/76 budget will be accompanied by a note advising the mayor and aldermen that staff salaries are under study, and recommendations will be forthcoming on the completion of the study. Administration - no report Librarian's Report: Departmental reports were dispensed with. Old Business: None reported New Business: Librarian read the report of the Friends of the Beve~y Library Special Gifts Committee, noting that the recommendation to purchase video-tape equipment may have to be reconsidered due to the 18 month delivery date. The other gifts were accepted with gratitude, provided the City Solicitor feels the library would not be liable in the case of a child injured by a loaned toy. Mrs. Conrad noted the letter from the Mayor's City Charter Study Committee, and the need to forward our recommendations to them by January 15, 1975. Adjoumment at 5:4 5 p.m. Mark A. Nesse, Clerk