04/25/1974 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 04/25/1974
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Lester C. Ayers, Richard J. Bronstein, Diane M.
Isenberg, Michael Larivee, Mieth Maeser, Carolyn F. StandIcy, Samuel E. Tappan, and Beatrice R.
Board members absent:
Others present:
Recorder: Mark A. Nesse
Beverly Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 25, 1974
Present: Mrs. Conrad, presiding; Mr. Ayers, Mr. Bronstein, Mrs. Isenberg, Mr. Maeser, Mr. Larivee,
Miss StandIcy, Mr. Tappan and Mrs. Vitale.
Minutes of the last meeting were read
Announcement of committee appointments for 1974 as follows:
FINANCE Chairman: Mr. Maeser
Mr. Tappan
Mr. Bornstein
ADMINISTRATION Chairman: Mrs. Conrad
Mr. Maeser
Mr. Larivee
CIRCULATION Chairman: Mrs. Isenberg
Mrs. Vitaie
Mr. Larivee
FARMS Chairman: Miss Standley
Mr. Bronstein
Mrs. Vitale
BOOKMOBILE Chairman: Mr. Ayers
Mrs. Isenberg
Mr. Maeser
PERSONNEL Chairman: Mr. Tappan
Mr. Ayers
Miss StandIcy
Committee Reports were called for:
Highlights of departmental reports were noted:
Children's Room
Youth Room
Old Business:
Supplemental budget approved, transfer to Telephone account has taken first reading.
Budget for Fiscal Year 1974/75 has taken final reading.
Mrs. Pesce recovering from operation, plans to return to work 4/29/74
Mixed results with National Library Week events.
Consideration of Goals/Objectives tabled at last meeting to be taken up at May meeting.
New Business:
VOTED: To change date of May meeting to May 23 to enable Librarian to attend Mass.
Library Assn. meeting.
VOTED: To purchase new projector, rug shampooer, lawn mower.
VOTED: To grant permanent status to all those now eligible (those who have worked longer
than six months).
Possibility that Minimum Wage Law will apply to us.
Mayor Vitale has given the "go ahead" to expend Page money as though we had $5,000 more
in the account to cover Minimum Wage eventuality and additional needs for Sunday openings.
Installation of "Mini-Libraries" in four City Hall offices seem to be a success. Will expand
program if this proves to be the fact. Brochure "A Selected List of Reference Materials for
Municipal Officials, 1974" passed out to those involved.
Reading list on Sailing now at printers.
Quilt made by Cove Improvement Society on display at the Main Library.
VOTED: To accept Mrs. Stevens' resignation with regret and to grant a total of four weeks
vacation if such a course of action does not conflict with the law.
VOTED: To approve promotion of Mrs. Bernice Gilman to Senior Circulation assistant on
the six months provisional basis and to authorize the Librarian and Personnel Committee to
select a replacement for Mrs. Gilman as Junior Circulation Assistant.
Meeting adjourned 4:50 P.M.
Mark A. Nesse, Clerk