03/15/1973 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 03/15/1973 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Lester C. Ayers, Palehard J. Bronstein, Robert W. Lovett, Mieth Maeser, Barbara D. Pdsley, Carolyn F. StandIcy, and Samuel E. Tappan Board members absent: Diane M. Isenberg Others present: Recorder: Florence A. Luther Thursday, March 15, 1973 4 P.M.. The regular meeting was held at the Library on the above date. Present were Mrs. Conrad, presiding, Mr. LoveR, Miss StandIcy, Mr. Ayers, Mrs. Risley, Mr. Bronstein, Mr. Maeser and Mr. Tappan. Mrs. Conrad welcomed the new members, Mr. Ayers and Mr. Bronstein. First order of business was organization. Voted Mrs. Conrad, Chainnan and Mrs. Risley Secretary, The minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Administration: Committee reported Farms roof repaired - flashing, tar, gravel, and down spout shortened. City painters have scheduled painting for interior of the Farms library. Finance Committee reported: $1,300.00 budget cut by Finance and Property Committee of Board of Aldermen. Financial sheets presented. Reports of Heads of Departments read and approved. Personnel Committee reported few applications had been received and called meeting for March 20 at 7:30 P.M. Communications from: Pep. Francis Hatch regarding Library Bills. Bureau of Library Extension--Beve~y has been certified for grant of $14,380. 50. Librarian instructed to analyze budget for withholding State Grant from book account. Suggestions made on how to handle any future bomb threats. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. Florence A. Luther Clerk 1973 COMMITTEES FINANCE Chmrman Mr. Maesar Mr. Tappan Mr. Bronstein ADMINISTRATION Chairman Mrs. Conrad Mr. Maeser Mr. Lovett CIRCULATION Chairman Miss StandIcy Mrs. Isenberg Mr. Ayers FARMS Chairman Mrs. Risley Mr. Bronstein Miss StandIcy BOOKMOBILE Chairman Mr. Tappan Mr. Ayers Mr. Maeser PERSONNEL Chairman Mr. Lovett Mrs. Risley Miss Standley