1998-04-13 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING C ~ / ~ : !~ 7Z ~ LY APRIL 13. 1998 ........ 'Ei '.:, ~ OFFICE ,,',,j i:::., -3 P 3:h8 PR.ESF-NT: Contmissioners Bamico, Dean, Duval, Baton, Oouzdeau, Mahoney, Rosen, White. ABSENT: Commission~s Lydon, Viiale. PUBLIC: Tina Cassidy, Ken Lewis, Ken Robinson, Victor Capozzi, Harry Wheeler, ~ Doug Albrinck, Catherine O'Hare, Manhall Handly, Steve Langlais, Walter Lovett. A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman White called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Presentations: Dufresne-Henry. Departure of Carol Niewola & Impact to the AMPU Mr. Steve Langlais, Project Manager and Mr. Walter Lovett, Vice- President of Dufresne-Henry appeared before the Commission to address the departure of Chief Airport Planner Carol Niewola and its effect to the airport AMPU. 'The Commission 'decided to wait until the new Dufresne- Henry Airport Planner came on board and could be questioned by the Commission. ' - ' ': ':,' -- ': 2. Reading of the Minutes for March 9, 1998: Chairman White called for a readingof the minutes. Before making a motion to accept, Commissioner Mahoney expressed dismay at the length of time Ransom Environmental has taken thus far in producing the test results, Commissioner Gourdeau seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 3.~ Reading of the Financial Report for February 1998: Chairman White called for a reading of the financial report which Chairman White then made. Motion to accept made by Commissioner Barnico, seconded by Commissioner Mahoney. Motion passed unanimously. B. OLD BUSINESS: Sam Fonzo Drive/Industrial Park Per Commissioner Barnico's request, Director of Planning Tina Cassidy updated the Commission on latest developments. Ms. Cassidy also handed out a copy of · a letter sent to City Council that gave project status information, financial info, 1 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING APRIL 13. 1998 funding sources and requested actions by the Mayor to City Council. Commissioner Barnleo mentioned to Ms. Cassidy of a proposed letter from the B.A.C. to be sent to City Hall naming certain requests as "incentives" for the Commission' s co-operation in the planning and execution of the program. It was agreed that a meeting and site visit with the City Engineer would be beneficial to all. Ms. Cassidy said construction was expected to start middle to late June 1998. C. NEW BUSINESS: · FY99~AirportBudget Chairman White gave a report on the proposed FY99 airport budget, Commissioner Gourdeau questioned why T. Ford lease payments were shown as revenue when we were not getting any money. Chairman White said it was because we would hope that by July we would be receiving rent. Chairman White asked if the Commission preferred the revenue be taken out of the budget, the consensus was to leave it in. There were several questions that were asked and answered regarding employee salaries. Commissioner Bamico made a motion to accept the budget, seconded by Commissioner Rosen. Motion passed unanimously. · Hangar # 1 Addition - Victor Capozzi Mr. Capozzi informed the Commission of his plans to expand Hangar #1 on land ha. is already leasing. He said he would hope the project was okay with the Commission and that he was me~ting with Marshall Handly to give him all the plans needed for the permitting process e.g., Planning & Zoning, Building Inspector, Fire Department. Chairman White asked if there were any objections to the project by the Commission; there were no objections. Mr. Capozzi also talked of his desire to turn existing Hangar #3 so that the doors are facing Alpha Taxiway along with apron paving and paving for tiedowns. Mr. Capozzi talked of C.A.P.'s desire for a modular building aside Hangar #2 in which they, in the future, will approach the Commission to discuss. Mr. Capozzi also said he planned to repair the end of Hangar #2 the beginning of M, ay. Mr. Capozzi also said it would not make sense to add onto Hangar #2 because the leveling required of the existing slope would create a high wall. He said what made sense to do beside Hangar #2 was; if he turned Hangar #3 around, hei would include paving on Hangar #3 ramp area for the city tiedowns that are now currently beside Hangar #2 and he would construct shade hangars (which are 2 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING APRIL 13, 1998 essentially a line oftiedowns with a common roof but no walls) with electricity avhilability. Mr. Capozzi introduced Doug Albrinck of Coastal Pools, Mr. Capozzi has taken him into Doozers and that gradually over the next few years he will become president of Doozers. · Legal Ruling on Industrial & Aviation Related Airport Consauction The City Solicitor said there is a distinction between industrial and aviation related construction. Aviation related the airport is on its own subject to ConCom and set back requirements, with industrial consauction we are subject to zoning. If it's not an airport related use we are subject to local control. Commissioner Barnico asked if the airport were side by side with Sam Fonzo would the airport be under the same zoning, the City Solicitor said no, that as long as the buildings were airport related use they would be subject to the ALP requirements of FAA antd M.A.C., but would not have to deal with issues as parking. If the airport put up an industrial building that is not for airport related use it is subject to "30B" and zoning. We are exempt from "30B". The state requires that we go out for bid for example, for anybody leasing municipal property except for airport related use. Regarding zoning as an example, T. Ford's proposed development would be subject to zoning, a tank faun or a hangar is not. A special 'permit is not needed for aviation related consauction activity. Chairman White then asked if a new tank had to go to ConCom. The City Solicitor said all consauction in buffer zones or watershed areas have to go before the Planning Board. Tina Cassidy said there was some history under a previous city solicitor that a special permit for a watershed protection overlay district in general applies to commercial industrial use in a watershed and that in the past (rightly or wrDngly) has been required of the Airport Commission even when they changed a rimway to a taxiway, the Commission was required to file with the Planning Board for the reduction in pavement. The City Solicitor said he did not see that in the statute but it made sense as a matter of courtesy. The City Solicitor said we cannot have a general absolution, it depends on the particular activity, that just because the Airport Commission is doing it doesn't mean it's exempt, but there is a class of activity that is exempt. A Special Permit is not automatically needed, there are substantial circumstances where we are exempt and probably an equal amount of substantial circumstances where we have to apply for a special permit. It depends on the project. BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING APRIL 13. 1998 D. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT (Main report contained in B.A.C. packets.) City Solicitor turned in his title opinion on the Mttrrin properly for submittal to FAil,, City Solicitor also said he had received a letter saying the Gongas' had discharged Attorney Mills, that shortly thereafter he had a conversation with the Gongas' daughter and said the $275,000.00 settlement package was still available the Gongas'. A day and a half later he received a fax from Acquisition Consultant Izzy D'Orsi saying the Gongas' were agreeable to a $290,000.00 settlement. The City Solicitor said he could not approach the Gongas' with the $275,000.00 but someone from the Commission could. Commissioner Gourdeau volunteered. City Solicitor said he would like the acquisition wrapped up by June 1, 1998. The City Solicitor also said legal efforts to negate property tax payments for aviation use property e.g. runway protection zones is progressing well. Airport Manager updated the Commission on the problem with the MALS Ground to Ground portion, the state tree removal legislation, Omni lease, PAC member- ship, survey of proposed Omni leasehold, and sale of the old loader (the Airport Manager requested a portion of the money be used for a plow blade for the new end loader, however, due to the loss of revenue from the Curnard site it was decided to table a possible blade acquisition until next fiscal year). The Airport Manager told the Commission that FAA plans to place and maintain a PAPI on Runway 9. E. ChAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: None. F. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Gourdeau, seconded by Commissioner Bamico. Motion passed unanimously. 4