02/17/1972 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 02/17/1972
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Robert W. Lovett, Barbara D. Risley, Carolyn F. Standley and Samuel E.
Board members absent: Louisa V. Conrad, Howard W. Cole, Diane M. Isenberg, Mieth Maeser,
Dr. Cornelius J. Murray
Others present:
Recorder: Florence A. Luther
Thursday, February 17, 1972 4 P.M.
The regular meeting was held at the Library on the above date. Present were Mrs. Risley, presiding,
Miss StandIcy, Mr. Lovett, Mr. Cole and Mr. Tappan.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Mr. Tappan, newly appointed Trustee, welcomed.
Reported that Mr. Maeser had again been to Police regarding parking and for additional
information concerning alarm system. Action on alarm system withheld pending Mr. Maeser's
report at March meeting.
Reinstallation of public telephone still in question. Mr. Cole and Mrs. Risley investigating
Financial sheet presented. Reports of Department Heads presented.
VOTED: That the Chairman appoint a special sub-committee, the purpose of which would
be to bring before the public the problems of the Library, that is: telephone, parking and
VOTED: To accept recommendation of Budget Committee concerning extended Saturday
hours with amendment that program start September 16 (the second Saturday after Labor
From the Mass. Association of Paraplegics concerning Chap. 22, See. 13A of Mass. Laws.
(Inclusion of ramps, elevators, etc. in public buildings).
City Clerk forwarded report of Fire Inspection. Emergency lights at the Farms needed
From the Bureau of Library Extension asking for support for bill seeking equal status with
the Board of Education.
VOTED: Adoption of amendment to By-Laws.
Reported that Mrs. Conrad had extended invitation to the Board of Aldermen to visit the Library to
discuss this year's budget.
Meeting adjourned at 6 P.M.
Florence A. Luther