01/20/1972 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 01/20/1972
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Howard W. Cole, Diane M. henberg, Robert W.
Lovett, Mieth Maeser, Albert J. Ricei, Barbara D. Risley, and Carolyn F. Standley
Board members absent: Dr. Cornelius I. Murray
Others present:
Recorder: Florence A. Luther
Thursday, January 20, 1972 4 P.M.
The regular meeting was held at the Library on the above date. Present were Mrs. Conrad,
presiding Mr. Ricei, Miss StandIcy, Mr. Maeser, Mr. Lovett, Mr. Cole, Mrs. Risley and Mrs.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Librarian reported all maintenance funds used. $539.10 from Salary Account retumed to City,
and $111.21 held over in Trust.
Annual reports of Heads of Departments presented.
Again serious complaints ofparldng stressed. Parking meters considered. Librarian asked to
write Dean of Students at North Shore Community College asking for co-operation of students.
Report of another break. Window again broken on Winter Street end of building. Telephone
removed from wall and taken. Money from copy machine taken.
VOTED that the Chairman appoint committee to confer with three burglar alarm companies
and retort their findings at the February meeting. Committee: r. Maeser, Mr. Lovett and Mrs. Conrad.
Since telephone has been taken from building a second time, the Telephone company will not
put phone back unless Board of Trustees sign an agreement to cover any future loss.
Mr. Cole suggested that Librarian seek further clarification from manager of Telephone
company and Consumers Council.
West Beach Association granted permission to use Farms hall on February 21 at 6:30 P.M.
City Solicitor finding concurs with Board's ruling that nonresident students' deposits are legal.
VOTED to accept the report on the By-Laws. Action to be taken at next meeting.
REPORT. Chapter I be mended by adding in Section 4:
"F. Committee on Personnel: 3 Members and the Librarian" and adding "Section 10.
Committee on Personnel: The Committee on Personnel shall perform duties usual to
those of a personnel committee."
Meeting adjourned at 5:05 P.M.
Florence A. Luther