1964-11-19 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 11/19/1964
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Russell P. Brown, Edward M. Doherty, Frank P.
Hyde, Mieth Macset, Frederick H. Pierce, Carolyn F. StandIcy, and Thomas J. Toomey
Board members absent: Anne P. Bryant
Others present:
Recorder: Marion A. Brown
Thursday, Nov. 19, 1964 4 P. M.
The regular meeting of the Trustees was held at the Library in the above date.
In attendance were Mrs. Conrad, presiding, Miss StandIcy, Mr. Toomey, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Pierce, Mr.
Maeser, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Doherty
VOTED to approve the records of the previous meeting as read and after study, the finance sheets.
Mr. Toomey reported that the iron work at the Farms is nearly completed. Mrs. Conrad explained
that the furniture for Ref. Room was put out for bids. VOTED to accept the bid of Peabody Office
Furniture Co. for $2353 to be delivered before Dec. 1, 1964.
VOTED TO ACCEPT all reports.
Discussion arose as to the use of the L~rary and new cards issued to Endicott Students, as many
books have circulated to them. VOTED to increase the NON RESIDENTS FEE from $5 to $10 per
year as of Jan. 1, 1965, and to amend the Rules and Regulations adopted Aug. 31, 1959.
A book "Standard Jewish Ency." was gratefully accepted from Mr. Max Rubinstein who presented
it to the Library in honor of Mayor Wickers by Temple B'nai Abraham Brotherhood, Sept. 20, 1964.
Mrs. Bryant to send a letter of appreciation.
Mrs. Conrad discussed new furniture for Reading Room and changes in to be made in the Children's
Roont It was felt that there should he further study as chairs in question were $65 a piece.
Motion made and so VOTED to dispense with all reports at the Dec. 17th Meeting so as to vote on
the new By-laws the very first thing.
Adjourned 5:30
Marion A. Brown