1885-03-12 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 12/03/1885 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: William C. Boyden, Edward L, Giddings, Franklin Leach, and Joseph D. Tuck Board members absent: Others present: Recorder: Franklin Leach Dec 3d 1885 The meeting was called to order by the Presem. It was voted to print and distribute a Bulletin of the books added to the Library since the last supplement. It was also voted to paste an abstract of the regulations of the Library on the outside cover of each book. A letter from Mr. E. C. Adams resigning his office as Trustees was read and accepted. Mr. Win. R. Driver was elected by ballot to fill the vacancy. The magazine list was voted to be the same as last year. A Draft for Five Hundred Dollars the balance of the appropriation was drawn on the Selectmen. No other business presenting the Board adjourned to Saturday Dee. 12th. Present Messrs. Tuck, Boyden, Giddings & Leach.