1961-05-18 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 05/18/1961
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Saul J. Cagan, Frank P. Hyde, Bruce Lancaster,
and Thomas J. Toomey
Board members absent: Russell P. Brown, Dorothy C. Cook, Frederick H. Pierce, and Carolyn
F. Standley
Others present:
Recorder: Marion A. Brown
May 18, 1961 Thursday 4 P. M.
The regular meeting of the Trustees was held at the Library on the above date. Those in
attendance were Mrs. Conrad, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Cagan, Mr. Lancaster and Mr. Toomey.
The records of the previous meeting were approved as read. The Finance Sheets were studied
and accepted.
Mr. Hyde moved and SO VOTED to elect Mrs. Hutchins as assistant in the Children's Room
at 51.00 per week and Mrs. Cook as assistant library desk clerk at $51.00 per week, to begin May
After long discussion of parking regulations, now amended and so corrected, it was moved
and SO VOTED to accept proposed regulations based on Mr. Toomey'/s suggestions. It is here-in
on file. A letter to go to the Mayor with the Regulations. Have a simplified form made for the desk
and have two signs made for the parking lot that Mr. Toomey will attend to.
Mrs. Conrad read a letter from the Mayor concerning the six-year Capital Improvement Plan.
A meeting is to be held at City Hall, Mon., March 22 at 8 P.M. Mrs. Conrad felt that someone should
attend. She also stated that definite plans should be made for a new building, the probable cost to be
in the vicinity of$100,000 - $150,000.
The report of the Circulation Committee and Librarian's report were accepted as read and
placed on file.
A letter was read from Mrs. White, Farms Librarian requesting that Mrs. William Presson be
allowed to work part time. It was felt that as no money was allotted on the Budget for this purpose
the Library Assistant and page could take care of the Farms service as it now exists.
At Mrs. Dunldee's request to take the advanced summer course at the University of N.H. it
was VOTED to give her three weeks leave of absence with pay, allow her $75.00 for tuition and give
her 1 week vacation with pay.
State-in-aid was discussed and it was decided. to send a letter to the Board of Library
Commissioners requesting an explanation as to why the State Grant to be paid before July 1, 1961
is in the amount of $7,582.68 instead of the estimated $9,027 as of Jan 1961.
Adjourned 5:45
Marion A. Brown
Note change of next meeting June 22
MARION A. BROWN May 19, 1961 Beverly
Librarian Massachusetts
WA 2-0310
To the Mayer and Board of Aldermen
of the City of Beverly
City Hall
Beverly, Massachusetts
Dear Sirs:
At the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Beverly Public Library
duly held on May 18 1961, the following motion was duly voted:
"MOVED: That in order properly to govern the use and enjoyment of the facilities of the
Children's Library Lot for parking use, the following "Regulations" hereby are promulgated, viz:
1. Seven (7) spaces shall be reserved and identified for use of Library personnel, and the use thereof
by others is prohibited.
2. Except for Library personnel and except for Library patrons actually in attendance in the Library
who leave their vehicle registration numbers at the charging desk, no vehicle shall he parked in said
Lot in excess of two (2) hours during the time when the Library is open.
3. Parking of any vehicle in said Lot between 7:00 A. M. and 8:00 A. M. on any day is prohibited.
4. The leaving of any vehicle in said Lot in violation of any of these regulations may he treated as a
trespass and the vehicle may he towed to a garage at the owner's expense. Repeated violators may
he prosecuted for trespass and/or may he denied the privilege of further use of said Lot for parking.
5. The automatic timing device for lighting of the area shall he set to turn off the lights at 10:30 P.M.
each night.
6. The disposal or leaving of rubbish or other refuse on said property is prohibited. Violators of this
regulation may he prosecuted for trespass.
7. These regulations are subject to change at any time by order of the Board of Trustees of the
Beverly Public Library."
Very truly yours,
Chairman, Board of Trustees of the
Beverly Public Library