1870-12-06 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 12/06/1870 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Edward L. Giddings, Rev. Orpheus T. Lanphear, Franklin Leach, and Joseph D. Tuck Board members absent: William C. Boyden Others present: Recorder: Franklin Leach Dec. 6th 1870 At the meeting this evening, it was voted to complete the set of works issued by the Essex Institute now owned by the library. Mr. Tuck was chosen a committee to inquire in regard to the amt. of money accruing from dog fines now in the Town Treasury. At the dose of the session Mr. Tuck reported that he had conversed with the Chairman of the Selectmen in regard to the above matter and had been informed that the amt. of said fines would be passed to the credit of the Library. Present Messrs. Lanphear, Tuck, Giddings & Leach. Adjourned to Dec. 12.