1870-04-05 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 04/05/1870
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: William C. Boyden, Edward L. Giddings, P-ev. Orpheus T. Lanphear,
Franklin Leach, and Joseph D. Tuck
Board members absent:
Others present:
Recorder: Franklin Leach
April 5th 1870
At the meeting this evening the President informed the board of the election of Mr. E. L.
Giddings for five years at the annual Town Meeting.
The board then proceeded to the choice of officers for the ensuing year.
W. C. Boyden was chosen President.
Franklin Leach was chosen Secretary
J. D. Tuck was chosen Treasurer
O. T. Lanphear, E. L. Giddings, Franklin Leach Committee on purchase of Books.
W. C. Boyden, E. L. Giddings, Franklin Leach Prudential Committee
J.D. Tuck was chosen Librarian, with a salary of Two Hundred dollars per annum.
The Librarian in connection with the Prudemial Committee was appointed a committee to hire
assistant librarians if thought necessary.
It was voted to add Every Saturday, and Putnam' s Magazines to the yearly list.
The Librarian was requested to renew such policies of Insurance as had or were about to expire.
After considerable discussion concerning the method of delivering books and the general condition
of the same, the board adjourned to May 3d.
Present Messrs. Lanphear, Tuck, Boyden, Giddings & Leach.