1867-04-02 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 04/02/1867 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Eben H. Moulton, Franklin Leach, and Joseph D. Tuck Board members absent: Robert R. Endicott, and Charles Haddock Others present: Recorder: Franklin Leach April 2d 1867 At the meeting this evening Mr. Moulton in the Chair, Mr. Leach was chosen Clerk. The Board then proceeded to the choice of its regular officers. E. H. Moulton President Franklin Leach Secretary J. D. Tuck Treasurer R. R. Endicott, Franklin Leach, E. H. Moulton Cornre. on Purchase of Books. R. R. Endicott, Chas. Haddock, J. D. Tuck, Prudential Committee J.D. Tuck was chosen Librarian with a Salary of $150 per annum. The President announced the reeleetion of Mr. J. D. Tuck for a term of five years, and also of Mr R. R. Endicott, for the unexpired term of Mr. B. O. Pierce thus confirming the previous election by the Board. It was also voted to bind the copy of the Victoria Regia belonging to the Library, and after some discussion regarding purchase of books, the Board adjourned to May 7th. Present Messrs. Moulton, Tuck & Leach.