1863-03-18 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 03/18/1863 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Benjamin O. Peirce, John B. Hill, Franklin Leach, and Joseph D. Tuck Board members absent: Charles Haddock Others present: Recorder: Franklin Leach March 18th 1863 The Board came together this evening by call from the Secretary. The President announced the reeleetion of Charles Haddock for the term of five years, and the election of John B. Hill for two years, it being the unexpired term of the late J. G. Dodge. The Board for the ensuing year was then organized as follows. B O. Peirce President Franklin Leach Secretary J. D. Tuck Treasurer B. O. Peirce, F. Leach, J. B. Hill, Committee on purchase of Books Chas. Haddock, J. D. Tuck, J. B. Hill, Prudential Committee J. D. Tuck was chosen Librarian for the ensuing year. It was voted to appropriate Sixty dollars for the purchase of Books, and to substitute the London Society Magazine for the Cornhill. The Thanks of The Board was expressed for donations of Books from J. H. Abbott, Esq. and the U. S. Coast Survey Office. The examination of the books on the shelves and the time of reopening the Library was left to the Prudential Committee. By vote of the Board the following classification of the Books on May 1't 1862 is now inserted. Range * Dictionaries, Ency, Brit. Etc. 89 1 Arts of Life 202 2 Natural History &Philosophy 195 3 Theological 261 4 Travels, etc. 371 5 Miscellaneous Literature 440 6 Poetry and Drama 121 7 history 440 8 Biography 435 9 Words and Tales 686 Not on new Catalogue in Box & on Shelves 411 Not on new Catalogue Am. Reviews, etc. 121 Total amount of books in Library 3772 The above includes all books on the accession Catalogue to No. 4061. Adjourned to Wednesday April 1st 1863 Present Messrs. Peirce, Tuck, Hill & Leach.