1862-02-19 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 02/19/1862 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Benjamin O. Peirce, Franklin Leach, and Joseph D. Tuck Board members absent: Joseph G. Dodge, and Charles Haddock Others present: Recorder: Franklin Leach Feb. 19 The Board met according to adjournment. The vote on Dec. 18th in regard to arrangement of Books by numbers, in accordance with the numbers of the Accession Catalogue, was reconsidered and the subject indefinitely postponed. The Committee on the revision of the Rules and Regulations reported as follows. To amend so much of Article 1st as to allow of the delivery of Books to adults and minors on Wednesday afternoon and to adults only on Saturday afternoon and evening. To alter the word twelve in Section 3d of Article 2d to fourteen that it may read between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one years. To reduce the penalty in Article 8th from one dollar to fifty cents. To omit in Article 10th of the By-laws, all between the words and & he, so that it may read as follows: He shall cause every volume intended for circulation to be neatly covered with suitable paper and he shall permit no Book to be used until it should have been duly numbered in the catalogue. After some discussion regarding the proposed catalogue, the Board then adjourned to Saturday Feb. 22d. Present Messrs. Peirce, Tuck & Leach.