1998-01-12 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 12, 1998 ,. - . P~SE~: Commissioners Barnico, Dean, Duval, Eaton, Farmer, Gourdeau, Mahoney, Rosen, Vitale, White. ABSENT: None. PUBLIC: Jeff Lurie, Jim Rutherford, Janice Gould, Randy Christiansen, Carol Niewola, Steve Langlais. A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Presentations: a. Dufresne-Henry, Sam Fonzo Rd./lndustrial Park Update - Repre- sentatives from Dufresne-Henry, Inc. updated the Commission on the Sam Fonzo Rd.flndustriai Park Land Use Study. In summary, FAA is still looking for specific language contained in a letter to them that there is absolutely no question to anyone that the Airport would lose runway length on Rwy. 9/27 once compliant runway safety area (RSAs) were constructed. Chairman Farmer also spoke on how beneficial the project will be for the Airport. b. Dufresne-Henry, Airport Master Plan Update (AMPU) - Repre- sentatives from Dufresne-Henry, Inc. updated the Commission on the AMPU. Carol Niewola handed out a draft that incorporated comments/ changes based on two previous meetings. Chairman Farmer asked if control tower input would be sought in the AMPU, D-H said it would be up to the B. A. C., Chairman Farmer thought it would be a good idea. Realism, practicality, and non-duplication of previous efforts was shared. The AMPU scope will comprise what the B. A. C. desires, if FAA and MAC want certain information it is up to them to instruct us to include it. As part of the AMPU the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) will also be brought up to date, the Airport Capital Improvement Plan will be based on the AMPU's findings. There will not be numerous public meetings, rather there might be just one public meeting for final AMPU review. This review could be before City Council and the public would be invited. Comments on PAC suggests membership included need for abutter representation, from Beverly Development Council, membership is up to the B. A. C. and City Hall would also be a source of membership ideas. Com- ments on the AMPU scope are to be to Airport Manager by 1/23/98. Corn- missloner Mahoney' also reminded D-H that we wanted a politically astute AMPU summary. Steve Langlais from D-H updated the Commission on the West Side water/sewer line installation, Vegetation Management Plan, and BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 12, 1998 MALS ground to ground system. 2. Reading of the Minutes for December 8, 1997 - Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the minutes. Motion to accept by Commissioner Eaton, seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed unanimous- ly. 3. Reading of the Financial Report for November 1997 - Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the financial report. Vice-Chairman White made his financial report. Motion to accept subject to audit made by Commissioner Vitale. Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Farmer told the Commission that the Mayor had told him that he had put several City department heads in for raises, and that he hadn't done anything yet for the airport. Chairman Farmer said he instructed the Mayor that airport raises were not his to do, that the budget was controlled by the Commission. Chairman Farmer said to the Commission "the budget is for what happens at the airport and your employees and you want to have full control over that"; he further said if the Mayor gives somebody a raise at the airport, that's not the way it's supposed to be. Chairman Farmer told the Mayor that they did not want downtown controlling the budget. Chair- man Farmer said if you want to give the Airport Manager or anybody else a raise, you have the right to do that, but you don't want to have it happen downtown because they (City Council) can take your budget and do what they want with it and you will not have control. B. OLD BUSINESS: None C. NEW BUSINESS: None D. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: (Contained in B. A. C. meeting packets) Airport Manager also updated the Commission on T. Ford Lease Revisions No. 3 status (Note: Chairman Farmer at this point informed the Commission that the Mayor had talked with him earlier that night and that the word from the Mayor was that because of the way other things were moving right now, to slow right down on the T. Ford property, don't go "pushing it" and it's for many different reasons. If the Airport has a shortfall and you need BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 12, 1998 money he will get you what you need. Chairman Farmer said "lf we were to sign with T. Ford right now, you give so many months there could be an open end on this thing where somebody is looking for liability in the end because they cannot open up because of water and sewer." The Mayor had told Chairman Farmer that they need to get the rest of Ransom 's information and they put it all together and get out of it under one umbrella and not bits and pieces. Chairman Farmer said we would still keep going with the project but not push for the end result, because they can't support it.) Further discussion said we can still go forward with the T. Ford lease and have it ready to go when the time comes. Commissioner Barnico asked if the letter(s) was rescinded that had said a building permit would not be permitted until such time a contract was signed for the water/sewer line construction. Chairman Farmer said that Tina Cassidy had taken care of that. The Airport Manager then continued with updating the Commission on Omni lease re-negotiation actions, Vegetation Management Plan, and Gon- gas property acquisition. Other discussions involved the airport's aircraft noise-abatement operational procedures and re-instituting airport safety meetings. Chairman Farmer announced that the meeting was going into elections. Roll call was taken. Commissioner Lydon, head of the Selection Committee, announced nominee Bruce Eaton for Vice-Chairman, Chairman Farmer called for a show of hands for approval, approval was unanimous with Bruce Eaton abstaining. Commissioner Lydon announced Leo White as nominee for Chairman, Chairman Farmer called for a vote of who was in favor of Leo White, vote was unanimous for Leo White. E. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner White asked the .status of the old end loader, Airport Manager Mezzetti repeated he was checking on proper disposal methods with Chris Bradley, the City's new Director of Purchasing & Contract Administration. F. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Lydon, seconded by Commissioner Rosen. Motion passed unanimously.