1859-04-20 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 04/20/1859 Hace: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Franklin Leach, Benjamin O. Peirce, and Joseph D. Tuck Board members absent: Charles Haddock, and Joseph G. Dodge Others present: Recorder: Benjamin O. Peirce April 20th 1859 Present at the meeting of the Board Messrs. Leach, Tuck & Peirce. On motion of Mr. Tuck, Mr. Leach was appointed Chairman. Mr. Leach presented his list of books recommended to be purchased. The Catalogue upon which Mr. Leach had indicated his proposed purchases was passed over to Mr. Tuck who in turn after marking his selections is to hand the catalogue to Mr. Dodge. Resolved That the thanks of the Board be given to Mr. F. G. Dexter for the gift of Two volumes of Agassiz Works presented by him sometime since for which as it is believed no formal acknowledgment has year been made. Adjourned to meet in two weeks.