1859-03-02 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 03/02/1859 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Joseph G. Dodge, Franklin Leach, Benjamin O. Peirce, and Joseph D. Tuck Board members absent: Charles Haddock Others present: Recorder: Benjamin O. Peirce March 2d 1859 The Board met according to adjournment. Present Messrs. Dodge, Leach, Tuck and Peiree. Mr. Peirce presented an abstract of the expenses incurred during the year as far as ascertained as follows Salary of Librarian $200.00 Exp ended for books 175.37 For Periodicals 28.85 Insurance 20.18 Oil & Incidentals 25.71 Care of Rooms 25.30 Binding 26.33 Amounting to 501.74 As the Librarian had neglected to present a Report of his proceedings the account could not be more exactly made out. Of the mount of Salary to the Librarian, fifty dollars remained unpaid. A small mount was due from the Librarian for a book included in the bills against the Library procured for him $1.50 and there were also quite a number of books missing from the Library for which the Librarian would be held personally responsible in the event of their not being satisfactorily accounted for. Mr. Tuck presented the Report of the committee appointed for the examination of the Books which was accepted. The committee on alterations of the Library Room were authorized to make such arrangements as they considered best adapted to secure the objects had in view in their appointment, the whole matter being thus left to their discretion. The President not being present it was Voted That should the president of the Board not prepare a Report for the Annual Town Meeting prior to that time, the Secretary be appointed to do so. Make the best use of the information concerning the affairs of the Library which he has now in possession without waiting longer for the Report of the Librarian. Voted to adjourn to Monday Morning next at 9 o'clock.