1856-01-13 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 01/13/1856
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: William Endicott, Jr., Charles W. Galloupe, Charles Haddock, and
Benjamin O. Peirce
Board members absent: Richard P. Waters
Others present:
Recorder: Benjamin O. Peirce
Saturday Evening February
The Board met in the Library Room.
Present Messrs. Endicott, Galloupe, Haddock & Peirce.
Mr. Endicott was appointed chairman.
Mr. Peirce represented to the Board the necessity of a more perfect organization of this body as left
more particularly at the present time in the want of a financial secretary.
On motion of Mr. Galloupe
Resolved That a committee of one be appointed by ballot to draft a code of Rules for the organization
& government of this body.
Mr. Endicott was chosen.
On motion of Mr. Peirce
Resolved That a committee of one be appointed to prepare & present to the Board suitable to the
occasion of recent death of the late Librarian Mr. Charles Giddings.
Mr. Haddock was appointed
On motion of Dr. Haddock
Resolved That we appoint Mr. Charles Davis to the care of the library and that Mr. Endicott inform
him of the appointment.
Subsequent to the appointment of the committee on Rules, Mr. Peirce was requested to
perform the duties of Financial Secretary until some other arrangement should be made.
The Board adjourned to meet on the evening of Monday the 25th inst.
B. O. Peirce Secy