1855-12-19 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 12/19/1855 Place: Town Clerk's Office Board members present: Richard P. Waters, William Endicott, Jr., Charles W. Galloupe, Charles Haddock, and Benjamin O. Peirce Board members absent: Others present: Recorder: Benjamin O. Peirce Wednesday December 19th 1855 The Board met in the Town Clerk's Room. Previous to any formal action being taken some discussion was had with reference to the form of report to be presented by the committee for the selection of Books arising from a motion made by Mr. Galloupe that "The report of the committee on the Catalogue be accepted & placed on file." No report had been laid before the Board by that Committee & the motion was for the time withdrawn. It was voted then by a majority of the Board Resolved That a committee be appointed by the chair to purchase books as may be determined on by the Board. The Chair appointed Messrs. Endicott & Galloupe. Mr. Endicott then laid before the Board a report signed by himself & Mr. Galloupe, a majority of the committee appointed to prepare a list of books. Mr. Peirce having taken no part in the labors of the committee declined appending his signature. It was on motion of Mr. Galloupe Resolved That the catalogue be referred to the committee for the purchase of books with instructions to ascertain the cost of the same with the best source from which to purchase and report to the Board as soon as may be On motion of Mr. Endicott Resolved That when we adjourn we adjourn to Saturday Evening at 7 o'clock & that that time be assigned to the consideration of any further report the committee may have to offer. Adjourn.