1855-12-03 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 12/03/1855 Place: Town Clerk's Office Board members present: Richard P. Waters, William Endicott, Jr., Charles W. Galloupe, Charles Haddock, and Benjamin O. Peirce Board members absent: Others present: Recorder: Benjamin O. Peirce Monday Evening December 3d 1855 The Board met at the Town Clerk's Room according to adjournment, all the members present. The Rules & Regulations came under discussion & after various alterations & amendments were severally adopted but the consideration of the Rules as a whole was postponed to a subsequent meeting. On motion of Mr. Galloupe Voted That Mr. Peirce, with the Librarian, be authorized to procure all the blank books, paper & stationary that may be required for the use of the Librarian & this board. Voted To adjourn to meet on Saturday Evening next. B. O. Peirce