1999-06-22City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: June 22, 1999 7:00 P.M. Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Diane Costa, Edward Brindle, Katherine Fanning, Neff Olson, Keyin O'Reilly, Joanne Panunzio, Helga Senko, and John Young Board members absent: Lindsay Diehl Others present: Thomas Scully, Anna Langstaff Recorder: Anna Langstaff John Young presided. Edward Brindle made the motion, seconded by Kay Fanning, to accept the minutes of May 25, 1999 as read. Motion passed. Public Presentation None Committee Reports Personnel: Neil Olson made a verbal presentation of comments and statistical analysis of the Library Director's job evaluation. Neff Olson will meet with Lindsay Diehi and Helga Senko in early July to put the evaluation in final prose form. Administration: No report Finance: Edward Brindle reported that Joanne Panunzio, Kay Fanning, Helga Senko, and Ed Brindle attended City Council Finance Committee meeting on June 8, 1999. City Council Finance Committee reviewed library's budget. Long Range Planning: No report. Report of the Library Director 1) Farms Roof: Farms roof has been patched. 2) Budget: City Council Finance Committee has sent budget to Full Council with no cuts. Budget will be voted on by Full Council on June 29, 1999. 3) Union: The City has reached a settlement with the library employees' union. Tom Scully distributed copies of salary portion of settlement. Professional librarians received a substantial salary re-classification. 4) David Burt Letter: Tom Scully distributed a copy of a letter received from David Butt, president of Filtering Facts, requesting release of library records pertaining to patron and staff complaints about pornography on public intemet terminals. Tom Scully will respond to this letter. 5) Interact Policy: Board of Trnstees reviewed the library's internet policy. Board accepted without change the Public Internet Use Policy, to be reviewed again no later than June, 2000. Communications None Unfinished Business 1) Goals and Objectives: Goals and objectives will be discussed at long range planning meeting on September 28, 1999 at 6:30 P.M. 2) Trust Funds: Tom Scully is still waiting to hear from John Dunn about a meeting with the Commissioners of Trust Funds. New Business None Public Presentation None The next meeting of the Board will be Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 7:00 P.M. at the Main Library. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 P.M.