1999-11-23City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: November 23, 1999 7:00 P.M.
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Diane Costa, Edward Brindle, Lindsay Diehl, Katherine Fanning, Neil
Olson, Helga Senko, and John Young
Board members absent: Kevin O'Reilly, Joanne Panunzio
Others present: Thomas F. Scully, Anna Langstaff
Recorder: Anna Langstaff
John Young presided.
Edward Brindle made the motion, seconded by Diane Costa, to accept the minutes of October 26,
1999 as read. Motion passed.
Public Presentation
Committee Reports
Personnel: No report.
Administration: No report.
Finance: No report.
Long Range Planning: No report.
Report of the Library Director
1) Copies of the Library Director's report (on file with these minutes) were mailed to trustees. 2)
Trust Fund Listing: Tom Scully distributed copies of trust documents. These are to be inserted
into Trustees Handbook. Lindsay Diehl noted that a correction needs to be made in the wording
of the Myrtle L. Hickey Trust Fund. It should read: "Ninety percent of income...shall be used
solely for the children's department of the public library..." 3) Noble: Noble system upgrade will
be in December. The library will need to buy new equipment. 4) Budget: Repair budget is
overspent because of flood repairs; custodial overtime will probably be overspent because of
flood repairs; part-time staff account line item may go over budget because this account was not
fully funded.
1 ) MBLC: John Young received several communications from the MBLC: 1. Information on
grant and aid programs 2. Notification of change of requirements for library construction grants.
2) State Aid: State aid money for the library increased by approximately $23,000.
Unfinished Business
1) Book Sale: Raised approximately $1,700. 2) Long Range Plan: Tom Scully is working on the
final edit. 3) Parking Regulations: Trustees reviewed revised parking regulations. Neil Olson
made the motion, seconded by Diane Costa, to:
accept the new library parking lot regulations. Motion passed.
There was a discussion on the need for more parking. John Young will draft a letter to the
Mayor requesting additional parking by buying the house currently for sale.
New Business
1) Farms Nutcracker Tea: Sunday, December 12, 1-3 PM. 2) Volunteer Tea: Tuesday, December
7, 3:00 PM.
Public Presentation
The next meeting of the Board will be Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 7:00 P.M. at the Main
There being no fuaher business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M.
1. Thirteen (13) spaces shall be reserved and identified for use of Library personnel, and the use thereof by others is
2. Except for Library personnel and except for Library patrons actually in attendance in the Library, no vehicle shall
be parked in said Lot.
3. The leaving of any vehicle in said Lot in violation of any of these regulations may be treated as a trespass and the
vehicle may be towed to a garage at the owner's expense. Repeated violators may be prosecuted for trespass and / or may
be denied the privilege of further use of said Lot for parking.
4. The disposal or leaving of rubbish or other refuse on said property is prohibited. Violators of this regulation may
be prosecuted for trespass.
5. Skateboarding, bicycling or roller blading in the Lot or elsewhere on Library grounds is prohibited.
6. These regulations are subject to change at any time by order of the Board of Trustees of the Beverly Public Library.
Revised 11/23/1999
Library Director's Report
November 23, 1999
Beverly Farms Library - Fund raising continues toward our goal of $1,500,000. We have received
a pledge from Ronald and Kathleen Jackson of $100,000 for the Children's Story Hour Room. The
Jacksons have generously donated several thousand dollars each year for the past several years to
fund children's programs. They have made an exception to their practice of not funding construction
projects so that we may build a better space to conduct their programs. We now have $430,000 in
pledges. The Mayor has repeated his pledge to ask the City Council to fund the remaining
$1,500,000 if we can raise $1,500,000 privately.
The Fund Raising Committee will put out a Request For Proposals to hire a landscape architect to
redesign the Library grounds. We will then hire an architect to have a plan prepared. We hope to
offer the grounds as a giving opportunity. In conjunction with the Beverly Farms Improvement
Association, we will design improvements to the alleyway between the West Street Fire Station and
the commercial building next door to give the Library a presence on West Street. The alleyway
belongs to the Fire Department so they will have to approve any changes.
State Aid to Public Libraries - The Legislature approved an additional $3,000,000 in the State Aid
to Public Libraries accounts. The Governor did not veto the money so it should be dispersed this
spring. Beverly will get an additional amount of approximately $23,000 each year added to our
current amount of $38,000. We need to use this money for upgrading our computer equipment in
preparation for our new computer system due to come on line in December.
New Computer - As mentioned before, NOBLE will be installing a new computer system to replace
the system which provides our on-line catalog and our circulation system. The existing wiring and
many of the existing terminals will not operate on the new system and have to be replaced. The
wiring is scheduled to be upgraded at the end of November. We have already purchased some of
the computers necessary and we must purchase new printers and a new LAN server.
The new system is scheduled to come on line December 20. Several key staff members are now
being trained on the new software and they will then train the rest of the staff. There will be a
transition period as files are transferred from the old system to the new and this may mean that we
will not be able to perform some functions, but our intention is to make this transition transparent
to the library patrons.
School/Library Cooperation - The public library staff met with the school librarians on November
16 in the library of the newly renovated Ayers/Ryal Side Elementary School. This will be a great
facility when all the bugs are worked out and the books are out on the shelves. This is the second
of the elementary schools to have a new library and a full time librarian. We will be meeting in
January in the library of the new McKeown Elementary School.
We discussed the need to better educate parents and teachers about the services and resources of the
school and public libraries. We will be helping the school libraries educate the community by
distributing informational bookmarks, etc. Training programs that we have developed for our own
staff for on-line databases will be shared with the schools. We hope to make teachers aware that
these are resources available for their own professional development as well as for their students.
We have also discussed the idea of a library fair to be held in a large space where we could invite
the community in to learn about our joint services.
The high school and all of the elementary school libraries are now members of the Northeast
Massachusetts Regional Library System. Since the secondary school librarians could not attend the
meeting, I am unsure about their membership status. At the urging of the Superintendent, two of the
school librarians attended a workshop sponsored by the Region on preparing five year plans to make
them eligible for funding.
Will Barnet - Will Barnet has donated two more of his works to the Library. His grand nephew,
Richard Goldberg, has loaned us two of his Will Barnet prints for the Barnet Gallery.