1892-09-07 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 07/09/1892 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Joseph D. Tuck, Charles L. Dodge, George A. Galloupe, Edward L. Giddings,, and George E. Woodberry Board members absent: Franklin Leach Others present: Recorder: Charles L. Dodge July 9th 1892 At the meeting this evening Messrs. Tuck, Giddings, Dodge, Woodberry and Galloupe were present. The meeting was called to order by the chairman. The records of the previous meeting were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Giddings, it was Voted That a branch library be established at No. Beverly and that the committee already appointed upon the matter be authorized to select a place for the delivery of books, the expense not to exceed $75.00. On motion of Mr. Giddings, It was Voted That a branch be established at Centerville the expense not to exceed $75.00 and that the matter be referred to the same committee. On motion of Mr. Galloupe, It was Voted that the Sec'y be instructed to reply to the proposition as contained in the letter from the Seey. of the Neighbors Library Committee at Beverly Farms. On motion of Mr. Giddings, It was Voted That the library be opened three additional evenings each week. On motion of Mr. Giddings, It was Voted That when we adjourn it be to meet one week from tonight 16m inst. On motion of Mr. Galloupe, It was Voted That the Treasurer of this board be authorized to draw upon the Town Treasurer for the amount of the BurIcy legacy, and that it be invested as a fund for the use of the Library. On motion of Mr. Woodberry, It was Voted That the treasurer of this board be authorized to draw upon the Town Treasurer for Five hundred dollars ($500.00) Voted To adjourn. Charles L. Dodge Secretary