1999-05-26 City of Beverly Board of Cemetery Managers Meeting Minutes: May 26, 1999 Present: Mr. Ward, Wood, Dunn, Searoans, and Ms Cotreau (15 minutes late) Approve minutes of previous meeting: Moved by Mr. Ward, second by Mr. Dunn; Voted: Unanimously Review of events since last meeting: Applications for lot representation: None Program of activity for Fiscal Year 2000: Discussion of Fy200 Budget and sources and uses of funds. Items to include on list of projects are: Signage; trash receptacles and collection (dumpsters); Containment of excavated materials and grave dressing loam; benches; trees; creation of "Garden of Angels" Moved by Mr. Wood: That $20,000 be transferred from the Sale of Lots Fund to the General Fund FY2000 budget in a line item titled "Beauti~cation" to be expended for any of the above items under the direction of the Board of Cemetery Managers. Second by Ms Cotreau Voted: Unanimous Historic Cemeteries grant project: Elyse Cotreau to call State to determine eligibility of the Cemeteries for grant funds and to learn registration procedures for recognition in the National and State Registries of Historic Places. Other Business: Adjournment at: 7:00 PM Next Meeting: June 22, 1999 at 7:00 PM at City Hall