1891-05-09 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 09/05/1891
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Joseph D. Tuck, Charles L. Dodge, George A. Galloupe, and Edward L.
Board members absent: Rev. Daniel D. Addison, and George E. Woodberry
Others present:
Recorder: Charles L. Dodge
Saturday Sep 5th 1891
The regular monthly meeting of the Trustees was held this evening. Messrs. Tuck, Giddings, Galloupe and Dodge present.
Meeting called to order by the chairman and the records of the previous were read and
On motion of Mr. Giddings, it was
Voted That a placard be placed upon one of the Library doors giving information to the public as to
the days and hours upon which the Library is to be open, and that the room committee have
charge of this matter.
The subject matter of establishing a branch at Centerville was taken up and after some
discussion on motion of Mr. Giddings, it was
Voted That the whole subject be referred to the committee previously chosen and that they ascertain
the expense of transportation and report at the next meeting.
There being no further business it was
Voted to adjourn to two weeks from this date (Sep 19)
Charles L. Dodge