1959-09-17 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 09/17/1959 Place: Beverly Public L~lm~ry Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Saul J. Cagan,, Frank P. Hyde, Brace Lancaster, and Carolyn F. Standley Board members absent: Russell P. Brown, Dorothy C. Cook, Frederick H. Pierce, and Thomas J. Toomey Others present: Recorder: Marion A. Brown Thursday Sept. 17, 1959 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on the above date at 4 P.M. with Mrs. Conrad, Miss StandIcy Mr. Hyde, Mr. Lancaster and Mr. Cagan in attendance. It was VOTED to omit the reading of all minutes of the precious meetings. The finance sheets were studied and accepted. It was VOTED to contact the Mayor requesting the sum of $ 1 ,0 1 6.25 to be used for the salary of Mrs. Nevers, Special Services Librarian to cover the balance of the year. VOTED: Effective as of Jan. 1, 1960 to establish a rate of pay for pages: To start at .65 to 1.25 maximum. For those out ofhigh school: $1.00 to 1.50 maximum, to be assigned at the discretion of the Librarian. Mr Hyde reported the book cases have been started and will move along. Mrs. Conrad came up with a very good idea for a garage for the bookmobile--using the old coal bin. It was agreed that it would be well to look into it. VOTED to give the Beverly Municipal Employees the use of the hall for their Annual Meeting as in the past. At a request of Bertha Massison 5 Elm St., for use of a room for a few persons to establish a new Garden Club it was felt that the Club should be organized and then the hall could be used from time to time. The Librarians Report, Monthly statement and reports of department heads as well as Bookmobile report were read and placed on file. Mrs Conrad explained as to the equipmere for the bookmobile and work will proceed immediately at a cost of $584 to be divided into two paymems. It is hoped that the bookmobile can be on display Friday, Oct. 2 on Cabot St. from 4 to 5:30 P.M. inviting the Mayor and Aldermen and the Press to be present. Get the publicity circulated and start operating Oct. 5 with a tentative schedule. Adjourned at 5:30 Marion A. Brown Clerk