1959-01-29 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 01/29/1959
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Bruce Lancaster, Carolyn F. StandIcy, and Thomas
J. Tooracy
Board members absent: Russell P. Brown, Saul J. Cagan, Dorothy C. Cook, Frank P. Hyde, and
Frederick H. Pierce
Others present:
Recorder: Marion/L Brown
BEVERLY, January 29, 1959
This meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on the 4th Thurs, instead of the usual 3rd
as it came so near the last meeting. Present were Mrs. Conrad, Miss StandIcy, Mr. Toorney and
Mr. Lancaster.
The records of Dec. 18 were read and approved, as was the surnrnary of expenditures for
the year.
For the Administration Mrs. Conrad reported that the remodeling work at the Farms will
be done by Mr. Norman Foster for $350.
Mr. Tooracy offered to attend to having a Beverly Farms Branch sign erected on West St.,
near the Fire Station as many people do not realize there is a Farms Branch. He also said he would
look into the ceiling leak at the Farms and would have temporary repairs made.
VOTED to allow West Beach Corp. the use of Farms Hall Feb. 16 from 6:30 to 10 o'clock
as in the past.
The report of the Circulation Committee was accepted as was the report of the Librarian.
These were placed on file.
Henderson & Hemdon submitted estimates for lawn improvement of plus $65 per feeding
and spraying. This matter was tabled. A letter was read from Mrs. Palmet requesting an increase in
her monthly allowance and for payment of her car insurance. It was VOTED No increase at this
time but as in the past the ear insurance would be taken care of. In case of any changes it was felt
that the policy for deposits should read 6 months instead of one year notification. Some discussion
was held as to the possib'~ity of a bookmobile.
The yearly reports were read and a long discussion held. It was VOTED, to adopt the
reports as they stand and have many copies printed to circulate to the public.
VOTED that a letter be sent to Endicott stating that magazines will not be circulated to
students, they can only be used in the Library. Only books will be circulated. Under consideration
is a $2 deposit held in escrow for Endicott Students, non-residents of private schools and all non-
residents. At the end of the year if all books are returned the fee would be refunded. Mr. Tooracy
will consult the City Solicitor.
Mrs. Conrad read a letter from the Mayor concerning Chapter 626-Commonwealth of
Mass. 1958--An act providing that certain meetings of certain public boards and commissions shall
be open to the public. It was decided that if important business came up that this would be laid
aside and the regular meeting proceed, as the usual agenda.
Adjourned 10 P.M.
Marion A. Brown