1954-06-17 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 06/17/1954 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Philip Rowe, Russell P. Brown, Saul J. Cagan, Louisa V. Conrad, Dorothy Cook, Carolyn StandIcy, and Carl Zeilon Board members absent: John C. Birmingham, and W. Lincoln Boyden, Jr. Others present: Recorder: Marion A. Brown Beverly, June 17, 1954 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the Library Thursday, June 17 at 7:30. Those present were Mrs. Conrad, Mrs. Cook, Miss StandIcy, Mr. Rowe, Mr. Brown, Mr. Zeilon and Mr. Cagan. The records of the meeting of May 20 were read and approved after which Mr. Rowe moved to the organization of the Board. By ballot, Mr. Rowe was unanimously elected Chairman, Mrs. Conrad, Secretary and Mrs. Brown, Clerk. Standing Committees were immediately appointed by the Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE Mr. Russell Brown, Chairman Mr. Saul Cagan Mr. John Birmingham Mr. Philip Rowe ADMINISTRATION Mr. Philip Rowe, Chairman Mrs. Louisa Conrad Mr. John Birmingham CIRCULATION Mr. Saul Cagan, Chairman Mr. Lincoln Boyden Miss Carolyn Standley BRANCHES Mrs. Louisa V. Conrad, Chairman Mrs. Dorothy Cook Mr. Carl Zeilon The statements of the Finance Committee giving appropriations, expenditures and balances to date were discussed and placed on file. Mr. Rowe reported for the Administration Committee stating that Mr. Brown had heard that the Mayor would be willing to recommend an appropriation ($1000) for the converting to oil. Mr. Brown would follow this matter up and Mr. Zeilon would consult with a disinterested heating engineer so as to try to have specifications prepared and ready. The matter of the unit heater was also to be considered as this was voted at the May meeting. A letter was read from Miss Dorothy Prince, Children's Librarian stating that due to continued ill health she would be unable to do full time work and feels that she should retire to take effect July 31. Members of the Board expressed deep regret and all felt she had given 32 years of devoted service. It was left until fall to consider a replacement for Miss Prince. The leak in the Lecture Hall was brought to the attention of the Board. It was voted to contact Trask Roofing Co. to get a report of this condition. Mrs. Conrad explained about the North Shore Library Association' s meeting in Peabody and expressed hopes that all would join the Trustees Section. Many did join. A discussion was held as to what program to arrange for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Library during July 1955. A suggestion was made that a condensation of Robert Lovett's "From Social Library to Public Library" be made and brought up to date. Other plans to be considered later. It was voted to omit the July and August meeting. The Librarian's report giving a summary of the circulation, registration and activities to date were read and placed on file. As was the report of the Circulation Committee. Voted to adjourn Adjourned Marion A. Brown Clerk July 7 Mayor recommended $900 for converting to oil.